BONDING (Ionic/Covalent/Metallic)
  • 1. The number of electrons in the outer shell
A) isotope
B) ion
C) atomic mass
D) valence
  • 2. These elements don't bond with other elements because their outer shell is filled.
A) noble solids
B) metals
C) none of the answers are correct
D) Inert gases
  • 3. Most atoms adopt one of three simple strategies to achieve a filled shell. Which of the following is NOT one of these strategies.
A) they accept electrons
B) they give away electrons
C) they share electrons
D) they keep their own electrons
  • 4. Which of the following is NOT a type of chemical bond?
A) Ionic
B) Valence
C) Covalent
D) Metallic
  • 5. In ionic bonding
A) Electrons are given away
B) Two answers are correct
C) electrons are shared
D) Electrons are accepted
  • 6. In ionic bonding electrical forces between same charged ions holds the atoms together.
A) False
B) True
  • 7. In metallic bonding...
A) Some electrons are shared by all the atoms in the material.
B) A couple of atoms share their electrons with each other.
C) One atom takes the outer shell electrons from another atom.
D) Bonding takes place between positively charged areas of one atom with a negatively charged area of another atom.
  • 8. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of metals.
A) Shiny luster
B) conducts electricity
C) Malleable
D) Brittle/Shatters easily
  • 9. In covalent bonding
A) Bonding takes place between positively charged areas of one molecule with a negatively charged area of another molecule.
B) A couple of atoms share their electrons with each other.
C) One atom takes the outer shell electrons from another atom.
D) Some electrons are shared by all the atoms.
  • 10. Which element forms the basis for organic chemistry
A) all of the above
B) carbon
C) oxygen
D) hydrogen
  • 11. These help hold molecules together.
A) All of the above.
B) Hydrogen Bonds
C) Polarization
D) Van der Waals Forces
  • 12. Polarization of a bond....
A) occurs when molecules get near magnetic North or South Poles.
B) occurs when atoms move to opposite sides (poles) of the molecule.
C) occurs when molecules move to opposite sides (poles) of a cell.
D) occurs when electrons spend more time with one atom in the molecule than another.
  • 13. Hydrogen bonds are....
A) help to determine shape and function of molecules
B) strong bonds
C) are found between the sides of the DNA double helix
D) formed when one atom takes an electron from another atom.
  • 14. Van der Waals Forces are a result of...
A) One molecule taking electrons from another
B) molecules coming close to one another creating a weak force between these molecules
C) Molecules sharing electrons
D) None of the above
  • 15. O2 is an example of what type of bonding
A) Ionic
B) Covalent
C) Metallic
D) Hydrogen
  • 16. When two or more metal elements are combined they form an...
A) brass
B) covalent bond
C) alloy
D) bronze
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