Sequence (2b5) with Science Integration
  • 1. Which list gives the correct order of events as they happened in our weekly story? 1. Iguana put sticks in his ears. 2. Monkey accidently killed the owlet. 3. Rabbit became frightened and ran out of his hole. 4. The Mosquito told some nonsense to Iguana.
A) 4, 1, 3, 2
B) 1, 2, 4, 3
C) 3, 1, 2, 4
D) 2, 4, 1, 3
  • 2. Read the following sentences: 1. He was anxious to win a cake! 2. Gabe went to the school fair. 3. Then, he saw his friend Maria. 4. The first thing he wanted to do was go on a cake walk. Which event happened first?
A) Then, he saw his friend Maria.
B) The first thing he wanted to do was go on a cake walk.
C) He was anxious to win a cake!
D) Gabe went to the school fair.
  • 3. Here is a fable about Wind and Sun. They saw a traveler and said that whichever of them could cause the traveler to take off his coat would be the stronger. Wind blew his hardest ever. This made the traveler pull his coat even tighter around him. Wind finally gave up. The fable tells us that Sun won because gentleness works better than harshness. Which event would have likely occurred at the end?
A) The traveler took off his coat because he was too hot.
B) Wind and Sun were trying to decide who was the stronger.
C) While Wind blew, Sun hid behind a cloud.
D) They decided the stronger one could make the traveler remove his coat.
  • 4. Read the provided passage "A Day in the Country." Then, answer questions 4-6. Question 4: Which event happened at the beginning of the passage?
A) Thomas unpacked his clothes and looked around the farm.
B) Grandpa and Thomas laughed together and watched the birds.
C) The next morning the boy's mother woke him up early.
D) Thomas was in his car. He looked at the skyscrapers, people, and other cars.
  • 5. Question 5: Which event happened in the middle of the passage?
A) A brown and white calf followed his mother.
B) The boy's mother reminded him to pack his shoes and clothes for his trip to the country.
C) Thomas fastened his seatbelt while he was riding a car in the big city.
D) Several chickens were scratching in the dirt of the doorway of the grandparents' home.
  • 6. Question 6: Which event happened at the end of the passage?
A) The boy and his mother drove three hours to get to the country.
B) The boy's mother picked him up after school.
C) The boy is going to visit his grandparents in the country.
D) The chickens hurried toward the boy when he threw grain out of his bucket.
  • 7. Read the passage "A Day in the Desert". Look for clue words that develop the events. Then, answer questions 7 and 8. Question 7: How much time has passed from the beginning of the poem to the end?
A) Several Days
B) One hour
C) Several hours
D) One week
  • 8. Question 8: Which of the following choices explains what will happen right after dusk?
A) The sun will come up.
B) The sand will glow.
C) The sky will get dark.
D) The air will become hot.
  • 9. Review: Which of Coyote's arrows hit the moon?
A) The last one he shot because he had a lot of practice.
B) The first one missed, but the second one did not.
C) The ones that he shot the next day.
D) The first one he shot because he was very skillful.
  • 10. Review: Line 20-21 in the reading passage "A Day in the Country" uses a contraction. What is the meaning of the following contraction: I'd
A) I would
B) I had
C) I did
D) I should
  • 11. Matter has three forms. Which is NOT one of the three forms of matter?
A) solids
B) liquids
C) gases
D) sequences
  • 12. Water vapor occurs when water changes from a liquid into which of the following forms of matter?
A) liquid
B) solid
C) gas
D) snow
  • 13. Evaporation, condensation, and precipitation make up the water cycle. Which of the following is NOT an example of precipitation?
A) hail
B) vapor
C) rain
D) snow
  • 14. Why does a liquid take the shape of the container in which it is placed?
A) It is part of our environment.
B) It does not have a definite shape, but it has to take up space.
C) It can easily evaporate.
D) It has a definite shape and it takes up a certain amount of space.
  • 15. Condensation occurs when a gas has been changed into a ________ .
A) solid
B) gas
C) water cycle
D) liquid
  • 16. Which of the following is not a part of the water cycle?
A) precipitation
B) education
C) evaporation
D) condensation
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