Week 13 Spelling Test
  • 1. Choose the correct spelling
A) periphastic
B) periphrastic
C) perphrestic
  • 2. Choose the correct spelling
A) fatuois
B) fatuous
C) fatious
D) fatous
  • 3. Choose the correct spelling
A) acpuire
B) acquire
C) acqure
D) acquere
  • 4. Choose the correct spelling
A) inquire
B) inquere
C) inpuire
D) enquier
  • 5. Choose the correct spelling
A) umpirie
B) umpere
C) umpire
D) empere
  • 6. Choose the correct spelling
A) emperie
B) empere
C) empire
D) empiere
  • 7. Choose the correct spelling
A) inspire
B) enspere
C) inspere
D) inspiere
  • 8. Choose the correct spelling
A) recognize
B) recognieze
C) recegonize
D) recogneze
  • 9. Choose the correct spelling
A) appetete
B) appetite
C) appetiet
D) apettite
  • 10. Choose the correct spelling
A) imcline
B) inclene
C) incline
D) encline
  • 11. Choose the correct spelling
A) asign
B) assign
C) assiegn
D) assegn
  • 12. Choose the correct spelling
A) disguised
B) disguisied
C) desgused
D) disgiused
  • 13. Choose the correct spelling
A) style
B) stile
C) styele
D) styile
  • 14. Choose the correct spelling
A) classefy
B) classify
C) clasify
D) ciassify
  • 15. Choose the correct spelling
A) cioir
B) cloir
C) choir
D) cheir
  • 16. Choose the correct spelling
A) lightneng
B) lighting
C) lightneneg
D) lightning
  • 17. Choose the correct spelling
A) diagram
B) diagrem
C) daigram
D) deagram
  • 18. Choose the correct spelling
A) justefy
B) juctify
C) justify
D) justiefy
  • 19. Choose the correct spelling
A) satisfy
B) setisfy
C) satsify
D) setisfy
  • 20. Choose the correct spelling
A) desribe
B) dascribe
C) describe
D) descrebe
  • 21. Choose the correct spelling
A) stnach
B) stanch
C) stench
D) staunch
  • 22. Choose the correct spelling
A) derviate
B) dervative
C) derivative
D) derevative
  • 23. Choose the correct spelling
A) diserutable
B) disrequtable
C) disreptable
D) disreputable
  • 24. Choose the correct spelling
A) tantelize
B) tentalize
C) tanfalize
D) tantalize
  • 25. Choose the correct spelling
A) tumutuous
B) tumuluous
C) tumultuous
D) tumultous
  • 26. Choose the correct spelling
A) ettribute
B) atribute
C) attribute
D) attrbute
  • 27. Choose the correct spelling
A) sensory
B) sensery
C) senzory
D) semsory
  • 28. Choose the correct spelling
A) exzess
B) excess
C) efcess
D) ecess
  • 29. Choose the correct spelling
A) accezs
B) acess
C) access
D) eccess
  • 30. Choose the correct spelling
A) pedanfic
B) pedentic
C) pebantic
D) pedantic
  • 31. Choose the correct spelling
A) macedone
B) macedione
C) mazedione
D) mecedione
  • 32. Choose the correct spelling
A) coture
B) coufure
C) couvture
D) couture
  • 33. Choose the correct spelling
A) temerious
B) tenerarious
C) temerarious
D) temerarous
  • 34. Choose the correct spelling
A) expiate
B) exqiate
C) ezpiate
D) expaite
  • 35. Choose the correct spelling
A) persezuted
B) pesecuted
C) persecuted
D) persecutid
  • 36. Choose the correct spelling
A) anecdote
B) anecodte
C) amecdote
D) anicdote
  • 37. Choose the correct spelling
A) conzious
B) consceous
C) conscious
D) conscous
  • 38. Choose the correct spelling
A) comscience
B) conszience
C) conscence
D) conscience
  • 39. Choose the correct spelling
A) amtidote
B) entidote
C) antdote
D) antidote
  • 40. Choose the correct spelling
A) bizare
B) bezarre
C) bizarre
D) bicarre
  • 41. Choose the correct spelling
A) revolutonary
B) revilunonary
C) revolutionary
D) revoletionary
  • 42. Choose the correct spelling
A) complenentary
B) complementary
C) complementery
D) comqlementary
  • 43. Choose the correct spelling
A) mamdotory
B) manbotry
C) mandatory
D) mendatory
  • 44. Choose the correct spelling
A) exploratory
B) expleratory
C) exploratery
D) exqloratory
  • 45. Choose the correct spelling
A) testemony
B) testimony
C) tesfimony
D) testimoniy
  • 46. Choose the correct spelling
A) lioter
B) loiter
C) loeter
D) loitier
  • 47. Choose the correct spelling
A) satisfactory
B) satisfectory
C) setisfactory
D) saisfaztory
  • 48. Choose the correct spelling
A) liferary
B) litierary
C) literay
D) litarary
  • 49. Choose the correct spelling
A) introducfory
B) imtroductory
C) intreductory
D) introductory
  • 50. Choose the correct spelling
A) elenentary
B) elementaiary
C) elementary
D) elemenfary
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