Parallel and Perpendicular Slopes
  • 1. What slope is parallel to m=4
A) -4
B) 4
C) 1/4
D) -1/4
E) none
  • 2. What slope is perpendicular to m=2
A) -2
B) none
C) -1/2
D) 2
E) 1/2
  • 3. What slope is parallel to m=3/2
  • 4. What slope is parallel to m= -5
  • 5. What slope is perpendicular to m = 6
  • 6. What slope is perpendicular to m = -5/9
  • 7. What slope is parallel to the line y=1/4x + 2
  • 8. What slope is perpendicular to the line y=1/4x + 2
  • 9. What slope is parallel to the line y=-2x + 2
  • 10. What slope is perpendicular to the line y=-2x + 2
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