6th Grade Math Vocabulary Practice Test
__1. AlgebraA. do Math in your head
__2. CompatibleB. the Answer to an Addition Problem
__3. ConstantC. the Answer to a Subtraction Problem
__4. DifferenceD. the Answer to a Multiplication Problem
__5. Mental MathE. the Answer to a Division Problem
__6. ProductF. an Ordered List
__7. QuotientG. Numbers that go well together
__8. SequenceH. a value that changes
__9. SumI. Arabic Word, the language of symbols
__10. VariableJ. a value that stays the same
__11. Composite NumberA. to find the value
__12. DenominatorB. to make Simple
__13. EvaluateC. only 1 way to make it, 1 x itself
__14. Least Common MultipleD. more than 1 way to make it
__15. MeanE. where numbers meet for the 1st time
__16. NumeratorF. to make smaller by dividing
__17. Prime NumberG. Top Number in a Fraction
__18. ReciprocalH. Bottom Number in a Fraction
__19. ReduceI. average, add up all numbers and divide by how many numbers.
__20. SimplifyJ. switch the Numerator and Denominator
__21. DiscountA. most common number
__22. MedianB. the middle number
__23. ModeC. highest number minus lowest number
__24. OriginD. subtract from bill like a coupon
__25. PercentE. out of 100 or per 100
__26. RangeF. add to the bill, 6% in Michigan
__27. TaxG. add to the bill for service
__28. TipH. starting point (0,0)
__29. X-axisI. horizontal axis
__30. Y-axisJ. vertical axis
__31. BEDIA. the 4 sections in a graph/grid
__32. CoordinatesB. Mathematical Phrase, No = sign
__33. EquationsC. Opposite
__34. ExpressionsD. where is it located (x,y)
__35. IntegersE. compares two things
__36. InverseF. Mathematical Sentence has a = sign
__37. ProportionsG. Bold, Enthusiastic, Driven, Individual
__38. QuadrantsH. a ratio with 2 different units like mph
__39. RatesI. Positive and Negative Whole Numbers and Zero
__40. RatiosJ. an equation showing 2 equal ratios
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