The Universe: Test 1
  • 1. Which is a tool that astronomers use?
A) optical telescope
B) moon
C) hammer
D) stethascope
  • 2. Which is a tool that astronomers use?
A) porsle sight
B) optical probe
C) steth seeker
D) radio telescope
  • 3. A light-year is the distance that light travels in:
A) 1 month
B) 1 year
C) 1 week
D) 1 second
  • 4. A radio teleschope collects what?
A) pictures of outerspace.
B) music
C) radio waves
D) sound waves
  • 5. What is something doing when it circles another object? It is.....
A) rotating
B) orbiting
C) circling
D) day
  • 6. What is a force that pulls objects to each other?
A) solar sytem
B) orbit
C) gravity
D) rotate
  • 7. What is the time that it takes the Earth to circle the sun once?
A) year
B) day
  • 8. What is the time that it takes the Earth to spin around once on its axis?
A) year
B) day
  • 9. There are _________ planets in the solar system.
A) eight
B) 365 days
C) 10 (counting the sun)
D) nine
  • 10. Every time the Earth orbits the sun, one _________ goes by
A) week
B) year
C) month
D) day
  • 11. Which planet is closest to the sun?
A) Earth
B) Pluto
C) Mercury
D) Venus
  • 12. Which planet is the largest in our Solar System?
A) Mercury
B) Earth
C) Jupiter
D) Sun
  • 13. Which of these suns have the hottest surface temperature?
A) White Sun
B) Yellow Sun
C) Blue Sun
D) Red Sun
  • 14. The most accepted theory for the creation of the Universe is called the:
A) Space Theory
B) Big Bang Theory
C) Einstein's Theory
D) Steady-State Theory
  • 15. Which of these is not a type of Galaxy
A) Spiral
B) Irregular
C) Cube
D) Elliptical
  • 16. A supernova is a large explosion of a:
A) Star
B) Moon
C) Planet
  • 17. It takes about one ___________ for the moon to orbit the Earth.
A) month
B) 366 days during a leap year
C) 24 hours
D) week
  • 18. The name of our Galaxy is called the:
A) Milk Bar
B) Nebula
C) Andromeda
D) Milky Way
  • 19. All electromagnetic waves travel at:
A) The speed of sound.
B) The speed of light.
C) The speed of a Jet.
D) The speed of a bullet.
  • 20. The most common landforms on the moon are__________.
A) rocks
B) mountians
C) lakes
D) craters
  • 21. A Nebula is a large Interstellar:
A) Cloud
B) Neutron Star
C) Blackhole
D) Planet
  • 22. The Ngarrindjeri people who occupy the Coorong and Murray Valley region of South Australia saw the Southern Cross as a:
A) Giant Stingray
B) Starfish
C) Crab
D) Prawn
  • 23. What is the name given to stars that are 10 times larger than our own Sun?
A) Giant
B) Supergiants
C) Megagiants
  • 24. Which chemical element is the most abundant in the Universe?
A) Hydrogen
B) Carbon
C) Oxygen
D) Iron
  • 25. Stars appear very small in the night sky because they are:
A) 1 kilometre away
B) 1000 kilometres away
C) Microscopic Stars
D) Light-years away
  • 26. Approximately how long does it take light from the Sun to reach your eyes?
A) 2 days
B) 8 minutes
C) 1 hour
D) 5 years
  • 27. Saturday is named after which planet in our Solar System?
A) Mercury
B) Saturn
C) Jupiter
D) Mars
  • 28. What do we call a region in spacetime with a strong gravitational effect that nothing—including light—can escape from inside it?
A) Nebula
B) Galaxy
C) Blackhole
D) Red Giant
  • 29. Groups of Stars, in our Night Sky, that are shaped like Animals or familiar objects are called:
A) Doodles
B) Nebulas
C) Constellations
D) Galaxies
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