ThatQuiz Βιβλιοθήκη δοκιμασιών Εκτέλεση της δοκιμασίας τώρα
Place Value and Digit Value (Decimals)
Συνεισφορά από: Schleper
What place is the selected digit in?
What is the value of the selected digit?
(write your answer as a decimal and a fraction)
What place is the selected digit in?
What is the value of the selected digit?
(write your answer as a decimal and a fraction)
What place is the selected digit in?
What is the value of the selected digit?
(write your answer as a decimal and a fraction)
What place is the selected digit in?
What is the value of the selected digit?
(write your answer as a decimal and a fraction)
What place is the selected digit in?
What is the value of the selected digit?
(write your answer as a decimal and a fraction)
What place is the selected digit in?
What is the value of the selected digit?
(write your answer as a decimal and a fraction)
What place is the selected digit in?
What is the value of the selected digit?
(write your answer as a decimal and a fraction)
What place is the selected digit in?
What is the value of the selected digit?
(write your answer as a decimal and a fraction)
What place is the selected digit in?
What is the value of the selected digit?
(write your answer as a decimal and a fraction)
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