ThatQuiz Βιβλιοθήκη δοκιμασιών Εκτέλεση της δοκιμασίας τώρα
2nd 9 Weeks Exam (DOK 2)
Συνεισφορά από: Caves
  • 1. Coveted means
A) not important
B) to wish for
C) to state clearly
D) to urge on
  • 2. "So now Della's beautiful hair fell about her rippling and shining like a _________ of brown waters."
A) vestibule
B) prudence
C) cascade
D) chronicle
  • 3. Which of the following is the best possible theme in the story?
A) Hard work is rewarded.
B) Appreciate others.
C) Buy good gifts.
D) Manage your money wisely.
  • 4. Jesse always ____________ fights between her friends.
A) coveted
B) instigates
C) predominating
D) chronicle
  • 5. The _____________ cat lunged after its prey.
A) predominating
B) inconsequential
C) prudence
D) agile
  • 6. An historical account of events is a/an:
A) cascade
B) assertion
C) chronicle
D) vestibule
  • 7. Who is the author of "The Black Cat"?
A) Frank Stockton
B) Saki
C) Richard Connell
D) Edgar Allan Poe
  • 8. What point of view does the author use in "The Black Cat"?
A) 2nd
B) 1st
C) 3rd limited
D) 3rd omniscient
  • 9. Poe is known as the "Father of __________."
A) Literature
B) Poetry
C) Horror
D) Short Stories
  • 10. During what time period did "The Black Cat" take place?
A) 2000s
B) 1800s
C) 1900s
D) 1700s
  • 11. Who does the man blame for Virginia's murder in "The Black Cat"?
A) Virginia
B) the cat
C) the devil
D) himself
  • 12. Virginia Poe dies from ______________.
A) tuberculosis
B) pneumonia
C) cancer
D) natural causes
  • 13. Who is the author of "The Raven"?
A) James Joyce
B) E.A. Poe
C) Frank Connell
D) Saki
  • 14. "While I pondered over many a ___________ and curious forgotten lore."
A) respite
B) beguiling
C) quaint
D) desolate
  • 15. Pallid means:
A) pale
B) charming
C) strange
D) rest
  • 16. What is the setting of "The Raven"?
A) snowy Winter
B) bleak December
C) humid June
D) bright Spring
  • 17. Who was "Lenore"?
A) Poe
B) a character in the book
C) the raven
D) Poe's wife Virginia
  • 18. What year was Edgar Allan Poe born?
A) 1803
B) 1900
C) 1809
D) 1800
  • 19. In poetry, what is the use, again and again, of a word or phrase?
A) figurative language
B) rhyme
C) repetition
D) refrain
  • 20. When the word or phrase appears in all the stanzas it is termed a:
A) repetition
B) refrain
C) rhyme
D) simile
  • 21. The the statement about life that the author is communicating through a literay work is
A) rhythm
B) theme
C) message
D) meaning
  • 22. _________________ is the way a poem is organized.
A) Mood
B) Subject
C) Stylistic device
D) Structure
  • 23. ______________ is a form of poetic paragraphs. They indicate separate thoughts and are separated from one another by spaces.
A) Rhythm
B) Stanza
C) Style
D) Alliteration
  • 24. When reading poetry, one should:
A) watch the audience
B) read it several times
C) perform the poem
D) read it once
  • 25. The musical quality created by a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables is ________________.
A) emotion
B) assonance
C) rhythm
D) onomatopoeia
  • 26. The use of words that sound like their meaning is:
A) rhyme
B) onomatopoeia
C) alliteration
D) assonance
  • 27. _______________ is the repetition of similar consonant sounds in words that are close together.
A) Assonance
B) Onomatopoeia
C) Rhythm
D) Alliteration
  • 28. To understand a poem, readers should consider the following: subject of poem, mood, author's purpose, and emotional effect.
A) disagree
B) agree
  • 29. The literary methods used by the author to create a particular effect is:
A) stylistic devices
B) stanza
C) tone
D) structure
  • 30. Which of the following is an example of alliteration?
A) Tommy ate a piece of cake.
B) Twinkle, twinkle little star.
C) Suzy sold seashells by the seashore.
D) Did you spill the milk?
  • 31. An example of assonance is:
A) The car crashed into the ocean.
B) Timmy told a tale to the teacher.
C) Every elephant eats eggs in the early evening.
D) Bah, bah, black sheep.
  • 32. Which of the following is NOT an example of onomatopoeia?
A) The car crashed into the ocean.
B) The bell tinkled all night long.
C) The log crackled in the fireplace.
D) The boy ate a bag of potato chips.
  • 33. An example of end rhyme is:
A) Love is a flower.
B) The girl crunched a bag of potato chips.
C) Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
D) Twinkle, twinkle little star/How I wonder what you are.
  • 34. The rhyme of words within a line of poetry is:
A) rhythm
B) end rhyme
C) internal rhyme
D) structure
  • 35. In "The Bells", what stylistic device is used in line 4 "How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle?"
A) onomatopoeia
B) rhythm
C) assonance
D) rhyme
  • 36. Who is the author of "The Bells"?
A) Frank Stockton
B) Elvin Alex Poe
C) Richard Connell
D) Edgar A. Poe
  • 37. Benevolence means:
A) patience
B) self-control
C) good will
D) social justice
  • 38. Extremely poor is:
A) destitute
B) forbearance
C) compassion
D) welfare
  • 39. Scrooge has a/an _______________ of wealth to share with the world.
A) suffering
B) abundance
C) individual
D) mercy
  • 40. Which spirits haunt Scrooge?
A) Marley, Present, Future
B) Marley, Past, Present, Future
C) Past, Present, Future
D) wife, sister
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