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The Diary of Anne Frank
Συνεισφορά από: Lofgren
  • 1. Anne Frank's family was a
A) Jewish family living in Israel
B) Catholic family living in Mexico
C) Jewish family living in the Netherlands
D) German family living in Belgium
  • 2. To identify themselves the Jews had to wear a
A) pink ribbon
B) gold medal
C) yellow star
D) stamped number
  • 3. The family went into hiding when
A) their business failed
B) Anne had to give up her bicycle
C) Anne's sister was called to report to a work camp
D) the train came for the family
  • 4. _________________covered the door to the hiding place.
A) a large wardrobe closet
B) a curtain
C) cement blocks
D) a movable bookcase
  • 5. The Jews were not safe because Hitler
A) thought they wanted to rule the country
B) blamed them for all the country's problems
C) wanted them to work the farms
D) was partial to the Jews
  • 6. The second scene and most of the play is told in ________________, which tells a story from the end first.
A) flashback
B) falling action
C) foreshadowing
D) dialogue
  • 7. When Mr. Dussel joined the Van Daans and the Franks in the Secret Annex, there were ___________people hiding there?
A) 12
B) 10
C) 8
D) 4
  • 8. The family remained in hiding for
A) ten years
B) six months
C) two years and thirty days
D) one year and ten days
  • 9. Miep Geis and Mr. Kraler brought them
A) ice cream for New Year's
B) news from the outside world
C) cold drinks
D) a cat for Peter
  • 10. They spent a lot of time
A) reading and studying
B) singing and playing loud music
C) writing letters to their family
D) studying and dancing
  • 11. Kitty was
A) Anne's diary
B) Anne's friend that was taken away by the Green Police
C) the name of Anne's sister
D) Peter's pet cat
  • 12. The Secret Annex was discovered when
A) Anne looked out the window at a wedding taking place next door
B) someone betrayed them
C) they went outside one night
D) they ran out of food
  • 13. At Bergen-Belsen, Anne and her sister both died
A) in the gas chamber
B) of the disease typhus
C) of starvation
D) by a gunshot wound
  • 14. Anne's diary was published by
A) her father Otto Frank
B) her sister Margot
C) Miep Geis
D) the Germans
  • 15. Why do the characters arrive at the Secret Annex wearing several layers of clothing?
A) they would look suspicious carrying luggage
B) Mr. Frank knows the furnace is broken in the Secret Annex
C) they will need them in America
D) the weather is cold
  • 16. In the crisis that follows the lampshade crash, Mr. Frank's actions show that he is
A) unconcerned about safety
B) the most logical thinker in the house
C) worried about the mess in the Secret Annex
D) a confused person
  • 17. In the play, the Franks and the others in hiding are discovered by
A) some soldiers passing by
B) a thief
C) a customer downstairs
D) a cleaner
  • 18. What even made Mrs. Frank threaten to put the Van Daans out on the street?
A) the theft of the bread
B) the arrival of Mr. Dussel
C) the loss of Peter's cat
D) the sale of Mrs. Van Daan's fur coat
  • 19. You would most likely feel disgruntled if you
A) created something
B) lost something
C) won something
  • 20. People would most likely be appalled by news of a
A) discovery
B) murder
C) festival
  • 21. You would most likely respond indignantly if someone
A) gave you money
B) insulted you
C) hired you
D) praised you
  • 22. Something that is conspicuous is easy to
A) see
B) lose
C) understand
D) fix
  • 23. A sense of foreboding would make you feel
A) bored
B) hungry
C) happy
D) worried
  • 24. The first time the Franks fled from the Nazis in Germany, they went to a
A) a hiding place in Frankfurt
B) a hiding place in Poland
C) house in Switzerland
D) house in Amsterdam
  • 25. Who was Miep Geis?
A) a member of the secret police
B) a relative of the Van Daans
C) a Dutch girl who helps the Franks
D) a Jewish refugee
  • 26. A first, Peter thinks Anne is too
A) selfish
B) greedy
C) talkative
D) polite
  • 27. For most of the play, Anne feels closest to
A) her mother
B) Margot
C) Mr. Dussel
D) her father
  • 28. Why does Mr. Kraler think that his employee, Carl, asks for more pay?
A) He has been forced to work longer hours.
B) He is threatening to report the Franks.
C) He is tired of bringing food to the Franks.
D) He is trying to help Jews elsewhere in the city.
  • 29. Why does Anne feel guilty when she starts going to Peter's room?
A) She does not like to disobey her mother.
B) She worries that she is taking Peter away from Margot.
C) She doesn't want to get Peter in trouble.
D) She is afraid she will embarrass her father.
  • 30. What happened at the end of the play?
A) The workman revealed the hiding place, all were sent to a concentration camp and only Anne survived.
B) The thief revealed the hiding place and all were sent to a concentrating camp, and only Otto Frank survived.
C) The thief revealed the hiding place and all were sent to concentration camps; however all survived.
D) Miep was tortured into revealing the hiding place, all were sent to concentration camps and none survived.
  • 31. What special thing does Anne do during the Hanukkah celebration?
A) washes her hair
B) puts on a play with singing
C) makes presents for each person
D) spills milk on Mrs. Van Daan's fur coat
  • 32. What was Mrs. Frank's reaction to Anne's preference fro her father?
A) angry and disgruntled
B) sad and upset
C) bored and uninterested
D) surprised and happy
  • 33. How does Anne and Peter's relationship change over time?
A) anger to irritation
B) like to dislike
C) irritated to friendly
D) happy to understanding
  • 34. What happens after Mr. Van Daan steals the bread?
A) He is discovered, Mrs. Frank begins to throw him out, the news of the invasion makes everyone happy again and they continue to live together.
B) He is not discovered, the food supply gets lower and lower, the invasion begins and the Allies liberate them from their hiding place.
C) He is not discovered, the food supply gets lower and lower, eventually Mouschi is killed and eaten by all except Peter.
D) He is discovered, Mrs. Frank throws out the Van Daan family, the Van Daans are picked up by the Green Police.
  • 35. Why do Mr. and Mrs. Frank give the upper bedroom to Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan?
A) The Van Daans want to keep an eye on Anne and Peter.
B) Otto Frank is grateful for the help her received from Mr. Van Daan when he came to Amsterdam from Germany.
C) The Franks want to keep an eye on the food supply.
D) The Van Daans insist on a private room.
  • 36. Identify this quote, "I heard about you....How you talked too much in class they called you Mrs. Quack Quack."
A) Peter
B) Miep Geis
C) Margot
D) Mr. Dussel
  • 37. Identify this quote, "Now look what you've clumsy little fool! My beautiful fur coat my father gave me..."
A) Miep Geis
B) Mrs. Frank
C) Margot
D) Mrs. Van Daan
  • 38. Identify this quote, "Of course I'm jealous....jealous that you've got something to get up in the morning for....But jealous of you and Peter? No."
A) Margot
B) Mrs. Van Daan
C) Anne
D) Mrs. Frank
  • 39. Identify this quote, "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart."
A) Mr. Kraler
B) Karl
C) Anne
D) Peter
  • 40. Identify this quote, "I can't stay in Amsterdam, Miep. It has too many memories for me."
A) Mr. Kraler
B) Peter
C) Mr. Frank
D) Mr. Van Daan
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