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Pocahontas Comprehension Test 1
Συνεισφορά από: Rogers
  • 1. What animal did Pocahontas and Nantaquas find caught in a snare?
A) rabbit
B) bear cub
C) eagle
D) snake
  • 2. Why did Nantaquas tell Pocahontas that she could never hunt with him again?
A) She let the animal go that he found in the snare.
B) She was better at hunting than Nantaquas.
C) She talked and scared the birds.
D) She made too much noise as she walked in the woods.
  • 3. What current state is the setting for this book?
A) Florida
B) Maryland
C) South Carolina
D) Virginia
  • 4. What name did the natives call "guns"?
A) flaming torches
B) firesticks
C) red, hot clubs
D) lightning rods
  • 5. What did Pocahontas want to make from the bear skin that the natives might be able to get on their hunt?
A) a toy rattle
B) a bed
C) a dress
D) a necklace
  • 6. What did the settlers name their new village?
A) Powhatan's Place
B) Jamestown
C) King James Village
D) Johnsborough
  • 7. Who was the leader of the English settlement?
A) Captain Argall
B) Captain Newport
C) John Rolfe
D) John Smith
  • 8. Whad did Hapsis say that Pocahontas could do to help John Smith?
A) Cry in front of the people at the feast
B) Ask for him to be given to her
C) Take him to another Indian village
D) Tell her father she would marry John Smith
  • 9. What did the natives use to dry their hands?
A) birch bark
B) leaves
C) rabbit skins
D) feathers
  • 10. What did John Smith give to the Indians when they went into the English village that made them upset?
A) a statue of King James
B) some old English clothes
C) a heavy cannon
D) worthless beads
  • 11. What foods did Pocahontas take to John Smith's village?
A) milk and honey
B) corn and beans
C) fish and turkeys
D) wheat and barley
  • 12. What did Pocahontas find strange about the village of the English?
A) Their roads were paced with stones.
B) They sang songs about King James all during the day.
C) There were no women or children.
D) There houses were filled with small pictures of King James.
  • 13. What did the settlers think was "gold"?
A) a yellow jessamine flower
B) the corn
C) Indian beads
D) the sand
  • 14. John Smith said he would let the prisoners go if what happened?
A) Powhatan gave him their land.
B) The natives came back to London with them.
C) Pocahontas came to their village to get them.
D) John Smith could become an Indian warrior in their tribe.
  • 15. Why did the English take the natives as prisoners?
A) They tried to steal the guns and tools of the English.
B) They were not truthful about having gold.
C) The natives sank one of the large English ships.
D) They fired arrows at the English village.
  • 16. What gift of friendship did Captain Newport give to King Powhatan?
A) a crystal bowl
B) a wooden bed
C) a wool blanket
D) a faithful servant
  • 17. What terrible event occurred in the English village?
A) a disease spread through Jamestown
B) a chimney spark started a fire
C) the men ate poisonous berries
D) the settlers had no clean water to drink
  • 18. What promise did John Smith make to Pocahontas?
A) to take her to England with him
B) to never leave her village
C) to teach her how to write in English
D) to give her clothes from England
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