(Demo) Document Skills Test II
- 1. The author of the document
A) saluation B) subject line C) writer D) refeence initials
- 2. Parentheses used in the report body to give credit (cite) to author for quotes taken from their works
A) source document B) return address C) subject line D) textual citations
- 3. Short reports tht are often prepared without covers and binders, if longer that one page, fastened together by staple or paper clip
A) memorandum (memo) B) source document C) proofreader's marks D) unbound reports
- 4. A gride of rows and columns that interesect to form cells into which information can be typed
A) reference initials B) saluation C) unbound reports D) table
- 5. Alerts the reader immediately to the content of the document
A) reference list B) source document C) subject line D) return address
- 6. Copy from which you are keying
A) open punctuation B) source document C) unbound reports D) memorandum (memo)
- 7. The greeting of the letter is called
A) return address B) table C) saluation D) subject line
- 8. A return that the application inserts automatically when you reach the end of the line
A) soft return B) textual citations C) saluation D) reference list
- 9. A written message used by individuals within an organization to communicate with one another
A) unbound reports B) memorandum (memo) C) source document D) proofreader's marks
- 10. A punctuation style for letters in which a colon follows the saluation/greeting and a comma follows the complimentary closing
A) mixed punctuation B) saluation C) textucal citations D) open punctuation
- 11. Indicate who keyed the document
A) reference initials B) writer C) return address D) saluation
- 12. Symbols used to indicate errors that need correcting when re-keying copy
A) subject line B) source document C) unbound reports D) proofreader's marks
- 13. Punctation style for letters in which there is no punctuation following the saluation and complimentary close of the letter
A) memorandum (memo) B) mixed puntuation C) soft return D) open punctuation
- 14. The adddresss of the person sending the letter
A) writer B) table C) return address D) reference initials
- 15. Authors cited in reports are listed alphabetically at the end of the report are located in
A) return address B) reference list C) reference initials D) saluation
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