5th vocabulary 3th period
__1. blundersA. the ways of living of a people or nation
__2. civilizationB. stupid mistakes
__3. complexC. made up of a number of parts,hard to understand
__4. envyD. running away
__5. fleeingE. feeling of discontent,dislike or desire
__6. inspiredF. filled with thought or feeling, influence
__7. rustlingG. causing a light,soft sound of things gently rubbing together
__8. strategyH. the skillful planning and management of anything
__9. admiringlyA. with wonder, pleasure and approval
__10. permitB. an evil, dishonorable person, villain, rascal
__11. scoundrelC. to let, allow
__12. subjectD. a person under the power, control, or influence of another
__13. worthlessE. without value, good for nothing, useless
__14. achievedA. person who designs and makes plans for buildings
__15. architectB. a dark yellow-brown combination of copper and tin
__16. bronzeC. carried out to a successful end
__17. cannonD. in the middle
__18. depressedE. a person who wants and tries to get the same thing as anothe
__19. fashionedF. sad or gloomy
__20. midstG. a big gun, especially one that is mounted on a base of wheel
__21. philosopherH. logician, sophist, wise person
__22. rivalI. made, shaped or done
__23. erectA. put up, build
__24. foundationsB. parts on which the other part rest for support, bases
__25. moldC. a hollow shape in which anything is formed, cast or soldifi
__26. occasionD. a special event
__27. proportionE. a proper relation among parts
__28. tidyF. to put in order
__29. workshopG. space or building where work is done
__30. appreciateA. person whose business is cutting hair and shaving or trimmin
__31. barberB. to thnik highly of, value, enjoy
__32. choirC. group of singers who sing together
__33. releasedD. to permit to be published, shown, sold, etc
__34. religiousE. devoted to religion
__35. slaveryF. the condition of being owned by another person and being mad
__36. teenagerG. a person in his or her teens
__37. backgroundA. smaller in size or scale than others of its type
__38. landscapeB. a view of scenery on land
__39. miniatureC. of or belonging to periods before recorded history
__40. prehistoricD. the part of a picture or scene toward the back
__41. reassembledE. came or brought together again
__42. abdomenA. made by human skill or labor, not natural
__43. artificialB. the part of the body containing the stomach, intestines and
__44. gaitC. person who specializes in the treatment of diseases
__45. handicappedD. a manner of walking or running
__46. therapistE. a chair on wheels, used by people who are sick or cannot wal
__47. wheelchairF. having a physical or mental disability
__48. criticalA. being important to the outcome of a situation
__49. enablesB. gives ability, power or means to, makes able
__50. mucusC. hard to get, rare
__51. scarceD. a slimy substance produced in the nose and throat to moisten
__52. specializeE. free from germs
__53. sterileF. to develop in a special way
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