Light Quiz
  • 1. Light is a form of
A) inertia
B) water
C) energy
D) sound
  • 2. Light waves can travel in space
A) true
B) false
  • 3. Light can be
A) all of these
B) absorbed
C) reflected
D) refracted
  • 4. A magnifying class has what type of lens
A) diverging
B) converging
  • 5. Light that bends has been
A) reflected
B) refracted
C) absorbed
D) transferred
  • 6. The term "concave lens" refers to
A) the bending of light waves as they travel from one surface to another
B) a lens that is thinner in the center and thicker at the edges and bends light outward
C) a form of energy that can travel in waves and can move through empty space
D) a lens that is thicker in the center and thinner at the edges and bends light inward
  • 7. The term "convex lens" refers to
A) a form of energy that can travel in waves and can move through empty space
B) a lens that is thinner in the center and thicker at the edges and bends light outward
C) a lens that is thicker in the center and thinner at the edges and bends light inward
D) the bending of light waves as they travel from one surface to another
  • 8. White light is made up of many colours
A) false
B) true
  • 9. When raindrops refract light it causes
A) a rainbow
B) singing in the rain
C) white light
D) a solar eclipse
  • 10. Which of the following colours is NOT in a rainbow
A) orange
B) green
C) indigo
D) brown
  • 11. A green book is green because
A) it is recyclable
B) it reflects blue and yellow
C) it absorbs every colour of light except green
D) it reflects every colour of light except green
  • 12. Which colour has the highest frequency?
A) violet
B) blue
C) yellow
D) red
E) green
  • 13. You can not see a reflection on a rough surface because rough surfaces
A) scatter light rays that hit them
B) produce curved reflections, like funhouse mirrors
C) reflect light waves in a single direction
D) are always opaque
  • 14. The lenses inside your eyes are
A) convex
B) concave
C) opaque
D) asymmetrical
  • 15. Light bends when it
A) changes from one colour to another
B) moves from one medium to another
C) becomes absorbed
D) changes from one wavelength to another
  • 16. When something completely allows light to pass through
A) it's blue
B) it reflects
C) it's transparent
D) it's translucent
  • 17. What allows some light to pass through, but the image is not clear?
A) opaque
B) transparent
C) convex
D) translucent
  • 18. What does not allow light to pass through it?
A) absorb
B) translucent
C) transparent
D) opaque
  • 19. When light waves bounce back they
A) refract
B) reflect
C) transmit
D) absorb
  • 20. Why do some objects appear white?
A) They are made of cotton
B) They are blue and refect white
C) They absorb all colours
D) They reflect all colours
  • 21. What happens to light rays when they move from water into air?
A) They slow down
B) They spread out and bend
C) They change speed, direction, and bend
D) They switch to white light
  • 22. The law of reflection states that the angle of incidence
A) is double the size of the angle of reflection
B) doesn't matter
C) is half the size of the angle of reflection
D) is always equal to the angle of reflection
  • 23. Which of the following is NOT specular reflection?
A) light reflected by a sheet of paper
B) the parallel incident light rays are reflected in parallel
C) the reflected surface is mercury
D) the image is identical to the reflected object and reversed
  • 24. Which is untrue about light waves?
A) they are electromagnetic
B) they are longitudinal
C) travel in straight lines
D) they are transverse
  • 25. Which lens will correct hyperopia?
A) focal point
B) convex
C) diverging
D) concave
  • 26. A concave lens always creates a virtual image.
A) true
B) false
  • 27. A convex lens creates an upright image...
A) when the object is in between the focal point and the lens
B) always
C) when the object is more than twice the distance of the focal point away from the lens
D) never
  • 28. A convex lens
A) can create a virtual or real image
B) always creates a virtual image
C) always creates a real image
D) always creates an inverted image
  • 29. Myopia is better known as...
A) farsightedness
B) nearsightedness
C) blind
D) 20/20 vision
  • 30. Which vision problem is usually caused by the ageing of a lens' support muscles?
A) youropia
B) presbyopia
C) myopia
D) hyperopia
  • 31. Diffuse reflection is when...
A) light waves are not reflected
B) light waves are reflected in all directions
C) light waves are reflected in one direction
D) light waves are reflected straight up
  • 32. Does the image follow the principles of reflection in a plane mirror?
A) No
B) Yes
  • 33. The focal point of a diverging lens is the
A) virtual point from which the refracted rays seem to come from
B) real point where the refracted rays actually meet
  • 34. In this diagram, the resulting image will be
A) virtual and larger than the original object
B) real and larger than the original object
C) virtual and smaller than the original object
D) real and smaller than the original object
  • 35. For a converging lens, a ray that hits the lens parallel to the principal axis...
A) goes straight through, continuing parallel
B) refracts outwards as if originating from the lens' focal point
C) reflects straight back to the object
D) refracts inwards and through the lens' focal point
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