possessive adjectives + Evaluacion 8 A/B
  • 1. Is this __________cup?
A) your
B) yours
  • 2. The coffee is__________.
A) my
B) mine
  • 3. That coat is____________.
A) mine
B) my
  • 4. He lives in (her / hers) house.
A) her
B) hers
  • 5. You might want___________phone.
A) your
B) yours
  • 6. The new car is (their / theirs)
A) theirs
B) their
  • 7. She cooked __________ food.
A) ours
B) our
  • 8. Don't stand on__________ foot!
A) my
B) mine
  • 9. She gave him__________suitcase.
A) hers
B) her
  • 10. met __________ mother.
A) theirs
B) their
  • 11. Is this__________coffee?
A) theirs
B) their
  • 12. Is the flat__________?
A) her
B) hers
  • 13. The grey scarf is__________.
A) mine
B) my
  • 14. That red bike is____________.
A) ours
B) our
  • 15. We should take____________coats.
A) ours
B) our
  • 16. That is_______________car.
A) mine
B) my
  • 17. He dropped __________bag.
A) mine
B) my
  • 18. Are these phones__________?
A) their
B) theirs
  • 19. These cakes are_____________!
A) our
B) ours
  • 20. Are those children____________?
A) your
B) yours
  • 21. En el siguiente dialogo hay una expresión que traduce como estas? y adiós:
A) When is you birthday.
B) What do you do and very well.
C) How do you do and bey.
D) How are you and good bey.
  • 22. Cuál de las expresiones corresponde a: no sé, no entiendo, no recuerdo, entendiste?
A) I don’t know- I don’t understand- I don’t remember- gotit
B) How are you?- I don’t know- I’m done- No’ yet
C) I don’t remember- I’m done- Are you done- No’ yet
D) My name is carlos
  • 23. Cuál es la forma correcta de decirle a alguien gusto en conocerte
A) Nice to meet you
B) My name is carlos
C) Nice to meet you too
D) Nice to meet to
  • 24. En las siguientes expresiones cual corresponde: donde naciste?, de dónde eres?, donde vive?, cuál es tu edad?
A) What do you do?- How are you doing?- What time?- How old are you?
B) How much- How old are?- How old are you?- How many?
C) How old are you?- What do you do?- How are you?- How many?
D) Where were you born?- Where are you from?- Where do you live?- How old are you?
  • 25. cuál de las siguientes palabras como: que-cuál?, donde?, cuando?, quien?-quienes?, por qué?, cuál?-cuáles?
A) What time- How much- How many- How often
B) What?- Where?- When?- Who?-Why?- Which?
C) When?- Which?- Some- Any
D) Long- short- Which- Some
  • 26. Que opción corresponde a la pregunta en presente simple: do you speak english?
A) No, i don´t
B) Sorry no speak english
C) Yes, i speak
D) Yes i do
  • 27. Cuál de las siguientes expresiones como: espero verte pronto, ella paro de fumar, corresponden al infinitivo y gerundio.
A) She is swimming- She is in the parke
B) She stooped play- She was not class
C) She is walking on the park- She play today
D) I hope to se you son- She stopped smokinkg
  • 28. cuál de las siguientes palabras como: que-cuál?, donde?, cuando?, quien?-quienes?, por qué?, cuál?-cuáles?
A) What time- How much- How many- How often
B) Long- short- Which- Some
C) What?- Where?- When?- Who?-Why?- Which?
D) When?- Which?- Some- Any
  • 29. A qué adjetivos corresponden las siguientes palabras: My- Your- His- Her- Ist- Our- Your- Their.
A) Possessive pronouns
B) Personal pronouns
C) Object pronouns
D) Possessive adjective
  • 30. De las siguientes expresiones como: siempre- usualmente- normal mente o general mente- frecuente mente- algunas veces. Corresponden a:
A) Generale- Often- Never- Rarely
B) Never- Sometimes- Ever- Seldom
C) Ever- Seldom- Rarely- Never
D) Always- Usually- Normally/Generale- Often- Sometimes
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