Please dar click en la opción correcta Verbo auxiliar para Personal Pronoun HE en Past Perfect Continuous Tense Are Had Have Do Verbo auxiliar para Personal Pronoun We en Past Perfect Continuous Tense Will Did Had Have Verbo auxiliar para Personal Pronoun It en Past Perfect Continuous Tense Had Would preferd Would Had En oraciones interrogativas en el Past Perfect Continuous Tense ¿en qué parte de la oración se coloca el verbo auxiliar? At the beginning of the sentence Whenever you want it . At the end of the sentence In the middle of the sentence Pasado participio en Inglés del verbo Caer: Feed Fallen Felt Find Pasado participio en Inglés del verbo Disfutar: Envelope Enjoyed Unenjoyed Enjoy Pasado participio en Inglés del verbo Luchar : Fought Faught Fight Fighted ¿Cómo se le llama en Inglés al Signo de Interrogación? Paragraph Dot Period Question Mark ¿Cuándo se utiliza el Past Perfect Continuous Tense? Something is happening right now, at this moment. When you talk about a completed action. views as action as having ocurred and been completed To describe a past action, already started and continued up to another action or time in the past. Please leer detenidamente la siguientesoraciones en English y luego dar click enel Conditional en English correcto que se utiliza en cada una de ellas : If they travel on the holiday, they will take a Caribbean cruise THIRD CONDITIONAL ZERO CONDITIONAL FIRST CONDITIONAL ¿Cuándo utilizamos Zero Conditional? If it is used o make statements about the real world We use it in affirmative sentences and questions, generally before the main verb. Use it totalk about an obligation that people impose on other people or on themselves If you heat ice, it melts SECOND CONDITIONAL FIRST CONDITIONAL ZERO CONDITIONAL SECOND CONDITIONAL Would you take the manager´s job if they offered it to you? FIRST CONDITIONAL ZERO CONDITIONAL If a bear attacked me, I would run away. FIRST CONDITIONAL SECOND CONDITIONAL ZERO CONDITIONAL Please arrastrar la traducción correcta de los verbos en English junto a su traducción al Español Comido Eaten ? Alimentado Fed ? Conducido Driven ? Caminado Walked ? Pensado Thought ? levantado Arisen ? Comprado Bought ? Bebido Drunk ? Sangrado Bleed ? Escogido Chosen ? |