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Motion Quiz
Contribuido por: Garcia
  • 1. Push or pull that causes an object to move, stop or change direction
A) magnetism
B) work
C) friction
D) force
E) gravitation
  • 2. Use the force to move an object through a distance
A) force
B) magnetism
C) gravitation
D) work
E) friction
  • 3. Force that pulls all objects toward each other
A) work
B) friction
C) magnetism
D) gravitation
E) force
  • 4. forces equal in size and opposite in direction
A) force
B) unbalanced forces
C) balanced forces
D) work
E) magnetism
  • 5. amount of work done for each unit of time
A) net force
B) force
C) power
D) gravitation
E) work
  • 6. Value of combined forces on an object
A) power
B) force
C) net force
D) friction
E) work
  • 7. Opposing forces of which one force is greater than the other
A) unbalanced forces
B) work
C) balanced forces
D) friction
E) power
  • 8. Which of the following is not a force?
A) magnetism
B) gravity
C) newton
D) friction
  • 9. The first law of motion says that an object at rest will remain at rest unless______
A) an outside force acts on it
B) it is placed on a flat surface
C) it continues in a straight line
D) a nearby star acts on it
  • 10. According to the third law of motion, for every action there is ________
A) a force sending it backward
B) a movement in all directions
C) an equal and opposite reaction
D) a greater force pushing on it
  • 11. When you observe an object, how do you know if it is moving?
A) its momentum changes
B) Its position changes
C) its mass and velocity changes
D) its frame of reference changes
  • 12. What do the laws of motion explain?
A) The movement of objects on Earth and in space
B) the relationship between the four basic elements
C) Why all moving objects eventually stop moving
D) how frame of reference influences movement
  • 13. Inertia explains why_____
A) friction can be overcome for all objects
B) the ground pushes against your feet when you run
C) People in a car move forward in their seats when the car stops quickly
D) gravitational forces are stronger on Earth than on the moon or other satellites
  • 14. An object in an______ travels around another object as a result of inertia and gravity working together
A) inertia
B) law of universal gravitation
C) reaction force
D) orbit
  • 15. According to the _____, all objects are attracted to all other objects
A) reaction force
B) orbit
C) inertia
D) Law of Gravitation
E) action force
  • 16. When an object exerts a force on you, it is called ______
A) Reaction force
B) inertia
C) action force
D) orbit
  • 17. The ______ of an object is the distance it travels in a given period of time.
A) acceleration
B) position
C) speed
D) velocity
E) momentum
  • 18. To measure the movement of an object, one must first locate the _______
A) momentum of that object
B) the speed of that object
C) position of that object
D) acceleration of that object
E) velocity of that object
  • 19. The term used to describe the speed of an object in a certain direction is _____.
A) position
B) momentum
C) velocity
D) acceleration
E) speed
  • 20. A truck that is moving at a high rate of speed is difficult to stop because of its _______ which is a product of its velocity and mass.
A) momentum
B) velocity
C) position
D) acceleration
E) speed
  • 21. Conservation of momentum explains how
A) trucks slow down when they are travelling uphill
B) a pole can be knocked down when a moving car hits it
C) a spacecraft can travel in space for thousands of years
D) a ball thrown into the air always falls back toward Earth
  • 22. A shovel is a compound machine made up of______
A) A screw and a wedge
B) a lever and a wedge
C) a wedge and a pulley
D) a pulley and a screw
  • 23. Which of the following can change the size or direction of a force?
A) a machine
B) a magnet
C) friction
D) speed
  • 24. What do magnets have that acts on objects without touching them?
A) a power
B) a machine
C) a current
D) a force
  • 25. Force that opposes motion when two surfaces rub against each other
A) force
B) magnetism
C) power
D) friction
E) work
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