AP Computer Science - Unit 1 - Vocabulary
__1. CPUA. Consists of the physical devices on your desktop
__2. HardwareB. Devices that save the information we work on like documents
__3. JVM - Java Virtual MachineC. consists of the programs that give the hardware functionalit
__4. ProgramD. High speed internal memory
__5. RAM or Primary MemoryE. supports communication between a user and the computer
__6. Secondary MemoryF. The part of the computer that does the work
__7. SoftwareG. Supports the human use of the computer
__8. System SoftwareH. The character encoding scheme used by JAVA
__9. UnicodeI. Used to be able to run JAVA Byte code
__10. User InterfaceJ. a sequence of instructions for a computer
__11. '+' - the plus symbolA. String of chars inside the ()'s after a method call
__12. ()'s - ParenthesisB. Examples are Eclipse, Dr. Java, JBuilder
__13. Actual ParametersC. Mistakes made by the compiler
__14. Arithmetic expressionD. Used to change the order of operations when needed
__15. BooleanE. An item whose values do not change
__16. Break StatementF. Combines initialization, condition test, and cntr update
__17. Compile Time ErrorsG. An expression that returns either true or false
__18. For statementH. Used to concatenate strings together
__19. IDEI. consists of operands & operators combined for algebra
__20. LiteralJ. Used to get out of a loop prematurely
__21. CastingA. an item whose value can change during execution
__22. Control or ConditionalB. Words that have a special meaning in JAVA
__23. Count controlled LoopC. Examples are +=, -=, *=
__24. Extended assignment operatorsD. A technique to convert one type to another
__25. Infinite LoopE. Occurs when a programmer fails to program accurately
__26. KeywordsF. A control variable is used to count the times through a loop
__27. Logic ErrorG. This error occurs when a loop goes one to many or few times
__28. Off-by-One errorH. The class necessary to generate a number
__29. Random ClassI. A loop that will repeat itself forever without program halt
__30. VariableJ. While and If-Else Statements are of this type
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