academico Ingles 2
  • 1. Thank you … the cup of coffee.
A) in
B) from
C) for
D) to
  • 2. Welcome … London.
A) in
B) to
C) for
D) of
  • 3. Have Karen and Paul got a car? – Yes, they …
A) have
B) are
C) got
D) be
  • 4. I haven't got my camera here. – Oh, …!
A) I,ve got
B) excuse me
C) I have
D) yes,please
  • 5. … are your two sons? – They're in America.
A) where
B) who
C) when
D) what
  • 6. … go to a restaurant. – Yes, good idea.
A) Let's
B) we
C) I'm
D) this
  • 7. … is this book? – £5 (= five pounds)
A) How many
B) How
C) What
D) How much
  • 8. … English people drink coffee?
A) Have
B) Do
C) Are
D) Like
  • 9. Your friend … good English.
A) speaking
B) do speak
C) speak
D) speaks
  • 10. Does your brother live in London? – No, he …
A) does
B) do
C) doesn't
  • 11. He … a house next year.
A) is going to buy
B) buy
C) buying
D) was going to buy
  • 12. Where … she yesterday?
A) were
B) are
C) was
D) is
  • 13. We stayed … the Plaza Hotel in New York last year.
A) by
B) on
C) to
D) at
  • 14. Where were you yesterday? – At the office, but Peter … there.
A) wasn't
B) did not was
C) weren't
D) didn't
  • 15. Where did you … lunch last Tuesday?
A) had
B) having
C) have
D) has
  • 16. When … you born? – In 1965.
A) are
B) was
C) did
D) were
  • 17. He has …
A) eyes brown and dark hair
B) dark hair and eyes brown
C) hair dark and brown eyes
D) brown eyes and dark hair
  • 18. … they go to the cinema yesterday?
A) Does
B) Do
C) were
D) Did
  • 19. How old were you when you … him?
A) met
B) meet
C) have met
D) meets
  • 20. She went to the doctor… she had a stomachache.
A) because
B) so
C) and
D) therefore
  • 21. The film wasn't good and we didn't enjoy …
A) them
B) him
C) it
D) her
  • 22. Peter would like to visit Helen … Saturday.
A) to
B) on
C) at
D) in
  • 23. Sorry, I don't understand that word. What …?
A) it does mean
B) it mean
C) it means
D) does it mean
  • 24. They walk really… .
A) slow
B) slowest
C) slowly
D) slower
  • 25. I … to go home now.
A) must
B) would like
C) like
D) can
  • 26. Would you like any help with your bag? – No, thanks, I can …
A) spell
B) do
C) manage
D) help
  • 27. How did you go there? – … foot.
A) by
B) in
C) on
D) at
  • 28. Would you mind … me some coins for the phone, please?
A) to give
B) giving
C) give
D) gave
  • 29. Where were you on Thursday at half past eleven in the evening? – I was … bed.
A) in
B) at the
C) on
D) at
  • 30. – Have a nice day! – Goodbye and …
A) the same to you
B) here you are
C) you are welcome
D) excuse me
  • 31. – I'd like to learn French. – Why … you go to France?
A) aren't
B) are
C) do
D) don't
  • 32. – I telephoned my father last week. – Sorry, … did you telephone?
A) who
B) how
C) where
D) what
  • 33. – What would you like – ice cream or fruit salad? – Oh, … fruit salad, please.
A) I've got
B) I'll have
C) I have
D) I had
  • 34. – Will you be here next week? – No, I …
A) will
B) want
C) won't
D) went
  • 35. Waiter, I want to pay. Could I have the …, please?
A) receipt
B) card
C) menu
D) bill
  • 36. When I come back from my holidays, … you.
A) I called
B) I call
C) I'll call
D) I've called
  • 37. – Do you like fish? – No, I'm sorry, I can't … it!
A) like
B) want
C) stand
D) prefer
  • 38. Do you enjoy … films on TV?
A) watching
B) to watch
C) watched
D) watch
  • 39. The hotel is smaller … the one in the town centre.
A) as
B) than
C) then
D) how
  • 40. We've never been … America.
A) to
B) by
C) at
D) on
  • 41. . How ____ pocket money do you get a week?
A) many
B) much
C) any
D) some
  • 42. I ____ visited Paris in 2000.
A) have been
B) have
C) did
D) ---------
  • 43. We’ve celebrated ____ 2 days.
A) in
B) since
C) for
D) on
  • 44. At the end of the course, you ____ speak German fluently.
A) will can
B) will
C) will be able
D) am going to
  • 45. .The secretary has got some phone calls to ____.
A) have
B) check
C) do
D) make
  • 46. Carla is ____ in politics.
A) interesting
B) interest
C) interesteding
D) interested
  • 47. In Leeds there is ____ noise than in London.
A) fewer
B) less
C) much
D) a lot
  • 48. We usually have coffee break at 1 o’clock, ____ some people have coffee break later.
A) so
B) because
C) then
D) while
  • 49. Do you know ____?
A) where is the station
B) the station where is
C) where the station is
D) if where is the station
  • 50. Will you play tennis if it ____?
A) rained
B) raining
C) rain
D) rains
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