PS CH 8 Test
  • 1. Can gasses dissolve?
A) no
B) yes
  • 2. What gas dissolves in the blood and tissues of scuba divers?
A) helium
B) argon
C) nitrogen
  • 3. This is the substance that is dissolved.
A) solute
B) solvent
C) suspension
  • 4. This is the substance that does the dissolving.
A) solute
B) solvent
C) suspension
  • 5. What is the universal solvent?
A) oil
B) water
C) alcohol
D) salt
  • 6. What is the most abundant gas in air and what percentage is it?
A) 0.04 % carbon dioxide
B) 100 % radon
C) 78 % nitrogen
D) 21 % oxygen
  • 7. Name three other gasses in air?
A) mud, salt, coffee
B) oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor
C) baking soda, sugar, fructose
  • 8. Which of these is NOT one of the three ways that substances can dissolve in water?
A) dissociation
B) ionization
C) dispersion
D) polarization
  • 9. Sodium chloride is a ____________ compound and water is a ______________ molecule.
A) nonpolar; ionized
B) ionic ; polar
C) covalent ; ionic
  • 10. This is the process by which ionic compounds separate in to ions and dissolve.
A) polarization
B) dispersion
C) dissociation
  • 11. Both sugar and water are ___________ molecules
A) ionic
B) nonpolar
C) valence
D) polar
  • 12. The sugar dissolves in water by the process of _____________.
A) dissociation
B) ionization
C) dispersion
  • 13. The process in which neutral molecules gain or lose electrons is known as _____________.
A) polarization
B) ionization
C) dispersion
  • 14. What is the chemical formula of hydronium?
A) OH-
B) H3O+
C) NH4+
  • 15. What type of compound conducts electric current when dissolved in water?
A) nonelectrolyte
B) electrolyte
  • 16. Hydronium ions make a solution be a (an) ______________
A) acid
B) base
C) neutral
  • 17. What happens to the freezing point of a liquid when a substance is dissolved in it?
A) decreases
B) remains the same
C) increases
  • 18. What happens to the boiling point of a liquid when a substance is dissolved in it?
A) remains the same
B) decreases
C) increases
  • 19. We use this substance in the radiator of our cars to prevent the cooling fluid from boiling when its hot and from freezing when its cold.
A) hydraulic fluid
B) antifreeze
C) gasoline
D) transmission fluid
  • 20. What happens to the temperature of water when sodium hydroxide is dissolved in it?
A) remains the same
B) decreases
C) increases
  • 21. This means that heat is released.
A) endothermic
B) homogeneous
C) exothermic
D) heterogeneous
  • 22. This means that heat is absorbed.
A) endothermic
B) homogeneous
C) heterogeneous
D) exothermic
  • 23. Why does a cold pack that is used for first aid get cold when activated ?
A) the freezing point changes
B) the boiling point changes
C) it releases cold when the solute dissolves
D) it absorbs heat when the solute dissolves
  • 24. Which of these factors DO NOT affect the rate of dissolving?
A) the color of the solute and solvent
B) stirring the solutions
C) the temperature of the solvent
D) the surface area of the solute
  • 25. What can be done to a saturated solution of sugar and water to make more sugar dissolve in it?
A) cool off the solution
B) stir the solution
C) heat up the solution
D) add more sugar to the solution
  • 26. Oil is ________________ and water is ___________________
A) polar;covalent
B) covalent;nonpolar
C) ionic; ionic
D) nonpolar; polar
  • 27. Why do bubbles form inside a pan of water as the temperature increases?
A) hydrogen escapes the water
B) greenhouse gases are produced
C) dissolved gasses come out of solution
D) the heat increases the solubility of gases
  • 28. Why do bubbles made of carbon dioxide appear when you first open a bottle or can of soda pop?
A) the temperature decreases
B) the sugar in the soda makes the bubbles
C) the pressure is suddenly reduced
D) the water in the soda has a high freezing point
  • 29. What acid is in carbonated beverages?
A) lactic acid
B) carbonic acid
C) boric acid
D) sulfuric acid
  • 30. What acid is in our stomachs?
A) hydrochloric acid
B) phosphoric acid
C) bubonic acid
D) nitric acid
  • 31. How do acids taste?
A) sour
B) sweet
C) bitter
  • 32. What happens to blue litmus paper when it touches an acid?
A) it turns blue
B) it turns yellow
C) it turns black
D) it turns red
  • 33. What is the formula of the hydroxide ion that is formed when a base dissolves in water?
A) CH4
B) H3O+
C) CO32-
D) OH-
  • 34. How do bases taste?
A) sweet
B) sour
C) bitter
  • 35. How do bases feel when you touch them?
A) sticky
B) slippery
C) powdery
  • 36. What happens to red litmus paper when it touches a base?
A) it turns red
B) it turns blue
C) it turn pink
D) it turns white
  • 37. What is the name of the indicator that turns red in a base but stays colorless in an acid?
A) sodium acetate
B) ethylene glycol
C) ammonium nitrate
D) phenolphthalein
  • 38. What type of reaction occurs when and acid and a base are mixed?
A) base reduction
B) combustion
C) neutralization
D) oxidation
  • 39. What two products are ALWAYS formed in a neutralization reaction?
A) salt and water
B) gas and water
C) sugar and water
D) rust and salt
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