Hatchet Chapters 9-12 Quiz
  • 1. Brian tried lighting many items. Finally he was able to make a fire by igniting _________________.
A) birch bark peelings
B) a $20 from his pocket
C) dry leaves
D) dry twigs
  • 2. Which of the following was NOT a reason Brian wanted a fire?
A) The fire would keep away animals like the porcupine.
B) The smoke from the fire kept the mosquitoes away.
C) Brian could cook the raspberries over the fire .
D) Brian could build a signal fire.
  • 3. Brian called himself
A) a city boy
B) a pioneer
C) a genius
D) an adventurer
  • 4. How did Brian know the animal that came up in the sand was a turtle?
A) Brian had read a book in science class about sea turtles.
B) Brian had seen sea turtles on a vacation to the coast.
C) Brian had seen sea turtles when he visited the aquarium.
D) Brian had seen a television show about sea turtles.
  • 5. _____________ was making the noise that awakened Brian.
A) a bear
B) a moose
C) a turtle
D) a raccoon
  • 6. Watching Uncle Carter eat ____________ made Brian feel queasy.
A) chocolate covered ants
B) live grasshoppers
C) a raw egg with his milk
D) live goldfish
  • 7. The turtle eggs looked _____________.
A) white and round like ping pong balls
B) blue and oval like robin eggs
C) green and spotted like moldy cheese
D) brown and oval like chicken eggs
  • 8. To clean his shelter Brian __________________.
A) brought in dry leaves to cover the floor
B) changed the pine needle bedding
C) swept the sand and hung up his jacket to dry
D) washed the rocks down with water from the lake
  • 9. How has Brian’s body changed since he crashed in the Canadian wilderness?
A) Brian's arms have grown strong from all the firewood he has carried.
B) Brian's face is scarred from the plane crash.
C) Brian's stomach has caved in, his skin is tanned, and his face is leathery from the smoke.
D) Brian's hair is long and shaggy, and his nails are broken and ragged.
  • 10. How has Brian changed mentally?
A) Brian fears the ghost of the dead pilot at the bottom of the lake will come after him.
B) Brian is a nervous wreck, jumping at every little sound.
C) When Brian hears or sees something he knows what it is in his mind, and he moves to be ready for it, to deal with it.
D) Brian is depressed and cries constantly.
  • 11. As Brian looks down at the lake from the top of the stone bluff, he __________.
A) watches a mother bear with her cubs as she catches a small rabbit
B) thinks about the pilot of the plane and how he must look after all these days under water
C) figures out a way to build an SOS message from branches so pilots can find him
D) sees a kingfisher catching a fish and knows he can catch fish as well
  • 12. What tool must Brian reinvent?
A) a hammer
B) the fishing rod
C) a bow and arrow
D) a hatchet
  • 13. What happened to the plane that flew over Brian’s camp?
A) The plane crashed into a tall tree.
B) A bird hit the plane making it crash into the lake.
C) The plane circled the camp several times then landed on the lake.
D) The plane turned back.
  • 14. When Brian heard the plane, he __________.
A) ran to the bluff to make a bonfire
B) ran into the open field and started waving his arms
C) used his hatchet to catch the rays of the sun making a flashing light that could be spotted by the pilot
D) began yelling and racing towards the lake
  • 15. At the end of Chapter 12, Brian felt ______________.
A) like all hope was gone
B) excited to see a plane
C) good with a full stomach
D) he would be rescued at any time
  • 16. Which sequence best describes the order of events in these chapters? 1) As Brian is splitting wood, he hears a whining sound. 2) Brian just about steps on a bird. 3) Brian uses a spear to try and catch fish. 4) The plane flies away. 5) When the spear does not work Brian decides a bow with arrows.
A) 3, 5, 2, 1, 4
B) 3, 2, 5, 1, 4
C) 3, 4, 2, 5, 1
D) 3, 5, 4, 2, 1
  • 17. What is the main conflict that Brian is facing at this point in Hatchet?
A) Brian wants desperately to build a bonfire, but he does not know how.
B) Brian feels all hope is lost when the rescue plane flies away.
C) Brian is afraid of all the wild animals in the Canadian wilderness.
D) Brian is hungry because he can not find enough food to eat.
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