RDR 18
  • 1. Which type of cloud is fog a form of?
A) cumulo-nimbus
B) cirrus
C) cumulus
D) stratus
  • 2. Which storm is caused by an undersea earthquake?
A) typhoon
B) tornado
C) tsunami
D) hurricane
  • 3. What do a typhoon and a hurricane have in common?
A) They originate over cool water.
B) They are called seastorms.
C) They have winds of 74 mph.
D) Each begins in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean.
  • 4. Which tool is used to measure humidity?
A) hygrometer
B) barometer
C) anemometer
D) thermometer
  • 5. Which cloud looks like huge towers?
A) cumulo-nimbus
B) cumulus
C) cirrus
D) stratus
  • 6. Which cloud blocks out the sunlight?
A) nimbus
B) cirrus
C) stratus
D) cumulus
  • 7. What is the information in the parentheses right after some of the entry words called?
A) pronunciation
B) guide words
C) part of speech
D) definition
  • 8. What type of information is this week's reading selection?
A) table of contents
B) almanac
C) atlas
D) glossary
  • 9. A glossary in a textbook is somewhat like a _____.
A) atlas
B) thesaurus
C) almanac
D) dictionary
  • 10. Where would you look in a science or social studies textbook to find the type of information for this week's reading selection?
A) on the cover
B) in the middle
C) at the back
D) right after the table of contents
  • 11. Which of the following is NOT another name sometimes used for a hurricane?
A) whirl-cloud
B) willy-willy
C) clycone
D) typhoon
  • 12. What does a "front" separate?
A) temperature and humidity
B) squall lines and thunderstorms
C) atmosphere and air pressure
D) tornado and typhoon
  • 13. Which cloud is associated with fair weather?
A) cirrus
B) cumulus-nimbus
C) tornado
D) stratus
  • 14. Between which two words would the word "thunderstorm" be located if it were added?
A) in between the words "temperature" and "thermometer"
B) after the word "tornado"
C) right after the word "temperature"
D) right before the word "tornado"
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