GEE Math Vocabulary Test 5
__1. CongruentA. The combined set of rational numbers and irrational numbers.
__2. DivisibilityB. In "a / b = c", this is "b"
__3. DivisorC. The smallest nonzero number of two or more numbers
__4. Least Common MultipleD. A change in the position, shape, or size of a geo. figure
__5. LineE. The answer to a division problem.
__6. ParabolaF. Figures or angles that have the same size and shape.
__7. QuotientG. the digits endlessly repeat a pattern.
__8. Real NumbersH. A straight set of points that extends into infinity
__9. Repeating DecimalI. A plane curve formed by the intersection of a circle cone
__10. TransformationJ. the capacity to be divided into parts
__11. Absolute ValueA. A technique for organizing data for comparison.
__12. GallonB. 1,000 paces; 1760 yards. 5280 feet
__13. MileC. all the angles are equal and all of the sides are equal.
__14. PoundD. A quadrilateral that has exactly two sides parallel.
__15. Regular PolygonE. A parallelogram with four equal sides.
__16. RhombusF. The distance of a number from zero
__17. SquareG. A quadrilateral with four equal sides & four 90d angles
__18. Stem and Leaf DiagramH. A unit of weight equal to 16 ounces
__19. TrapezoidI. measurement of liquid equal to 4 quarts
__20. TriangleJ. A three-sided polygon.
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