TEST PRUEBA GRADO 10 Theme: Comparatives and superlatives
  • 1. Completa las siguientes frases con el comparativo o superlativo según corresponda.
  • 2. My mother is________ than my father.
A) old
B) the old
C) the oldest
D) older
  • 3. What is________movie you have ever seen?
A) funny
B) the funny
C) the funniest
D) funnier
  • 4. Rachel´s hair is not as_________as Sarah´s.
A) long
B) more long
C) longer
D) the longest
  • 5. Yesterday´s exam was ___________than the one last month.
A) difficult
B) more difficult
C) the difficultest
D) difficulter
  • 6. Mary is_____________woman in NY.
A) the most beautiful
B) the beautifulest
C) beautiful
D) the beautifuler
  • 7. Her room is only a little bit _________than mine.
A) big
B) bigger
C) the bigger
D) the biggest
  • 8. He is____________when he is playing football.
A) happiest
B) the happy
C) the happier
D) the happiest
  • 9. Peter is as_________as Alex.
A) the fastest
B) faster
C) fast
D) the faster
  • 10. En el enunciado de estas preguntas se plantea una situación, a partir de esta, usted debe escoger la opción que complemente de mejor forma el enunciado , teniendo en cuenta que su organización y sentido sean correctas.
  • 11. 13.
    A zoo guide is describing and comparing some animals for a tourist group.He is saying:
A) A hippo is heaviest and biggest than a panda bear.
B) A hippo is more heavy and big than a panda bear.
C) A hippo is more heavier and big than a panda bear.
D) A hippo is heavier and bigger than a panda bear.
  • 12. 14.
    John has been reading about mountains in his encyclopaedia. He learned that:
A) Mount Aconcagua is the highest mountain in America.
B) Mount Aconcagua is the most high mountain in America
C) Mount Aconcagua is the higher mountain in America.
D) Mount Aconcagua is the more high mountain in America.
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