Basic Technology MockTest for JSS 3
  • 1. Which of the following instruments is used for setting sheet on the drawing board?
A) Set square
B) Tee square
C) Divider
D) Steel rule
  • 2. A trapezium is also known as ____
A) Polygon
B) Quadrilateral
C) Triangle
D) Sphere
  • 3. The instrument used by surveyor in establishing the levelness of a building site is known as _____
A) Spirit level
B) Dumpy level
C) Theodolite
D) Try square
  • 4. Reading of building plan means _____
A) Rendering of the building
B) construction of building
C) Identification and Interpreting building parts
D) Labelling the building
  • 5. A quadrilateral with all sides equal but no right angle is called _____
A) Cube
B) Rectangle
C) Rhombus
D) Square
  • 6. Which of the following is not a quadrilateral?
A) Trapezium
B) Rectangle
C) Triangle
D) Parallelogram
  • 7. The initial attention given to an accident victim before the arrival of the doctor is known as _____
A) First aid attention
B) Emergency precaution
C) Precautionary attention
D) Safety precaution
  • 8. The basic function of a thermostat in an electric fan is to ____
A) switch on/off the fan when necessary due to room temperature
B) Regulate the speed
C) Control the noise
D) Control the temperature
  • 9. _____ is used to convert sound energy to electrical energy
A) Radio transmitter
B) Microphone
C) Loud speaker
D) Radio receiver
  • 10. _____ is used to convert electrical energy to sound energy
A) Radio transmitter
B) Radio receiver
C) Microphone
D) Loud speaker
  • 11. The electricity at high voltage is referred to as ____
A) high flow current
B) high tension supply
C) low tension supply
D) low flow current
  • 12. ______ is the change of a liquid state to solid state and to gas state
A) Evaporation
B) Freezing
C) Melting
D) Sublimation
  • 13. The substances that evaporate quickly are called _____
A) non-volatile substances
B) refrigerant substances
C) freon substances
D) volatile substances
  • 14. Refrigerator can be maintained in the following ways EXCEPT ____
A) keeping the door firmly closed
B) arranging food items properly for air circulation
C) defrosting regularly
D) putting hot food for cooling
  • 15. The following are the properties of refrigerant EXCEPT ____
A) volatile
B) low boiling point
C) non corrosive
D) highly corrosive
  • 16. _____ is the extraction of heat from the food items to be refrigerated
A) Condensation
B) Freezer
C) Evaporation
D) Refrigeration
  • 17. A form of energy that can produce light, heat, and power for machines is known as _____
A) kinetic energy
B) mechanical energy
C) sound energy
D) electricity
  • 18. The S.I unit of current is ____
A) Ohms
B) meter per seconds
C) Ampere
D) Volts
  • 19. The following are the mechanisms that make use of electric motors for their operations EXCEPT ____
A) Refrigerator
B) Grinder
C) Blender
D) Loud speaker
  • 20. The process of uprooting all the roots of the trees from the ground completely is called _______
A) Leveling
B) Rooting
C) Excavation
D) Grubbing
  • 21. Which of these is a technology related career?
A) Political Science
B) Accountancy
C) Law
D) Civil Engineering
  • 22. Which of these is not a typical maintenance?
A) Corrective
B) Predictive
C) Replacement
D) Preventive
  • 23. Alloy is a metal that
A) is non magnetic
B) has mixture of tin or more metals
C) has iron content
D) is magnetic
  • 24. The two types of plastic are
A) latex and polythene
B) thermoplastic and thermoset
C) polyplastic and thermoset
D) polyesther and polyplastic
  • 25. Which of the following furnaces produces ‘pig iron’?
A) Blast furnace
B) Electric arc furnace
C) Bessemer converter
D) Open heart furnace
  • 26. Which of the following is NOT a reason for drying wood?
A) It makes wood to be durable
B) It makes wood more stable
C) It makes wood to be stronger
D) It makes wood to increase in weight
  • 27. Natural rubber is made from a milky liquid called
A) Latex
B) Electrolyte
C) Plasticine
D) Solution
  • 28. The type of drawing which shows the plan, front and side view is known as
A) isometric drawing
B) oblique drawing
C) freehand drawing
D) orthographic projection
  • 29. The two types of electrical currents are
A) Direct and Indirect
B) Direct and Alternating
C) Hydro and Coal power
D) Natural and Artificial
  • 30. The process of splitting logs of wood into marketable sizes is called
A) Conversion
B) Cutting
C) Plane
D) Nailing
  • 31. Mechanized process in technology refers to
A) mass production of goods
B) the use of hand tools for working
C) servicing of machines
D) the use of machines for working
  • 32. In an oblique drawing, the slanting sides are generally drawn at angle _____
A) 60 degree
B) 45 degree
C) 90 degree
D) 30 degree
  • 33. In an isometric drawing, the slanting sides are generally drawn at angle _____
A) 90 degree
B) 60 degree
C) 30 degree
D) 45 degree
  • 34. The following are methods of processing plastic EXCEPT
A) Extrusion moulding
B) Injection moulding
C) Thermoplasting
D) Compression moulding
  • 35. The main function of foundation in a building is to
A) protect the building from high wind
B) distribute the weight of the building to the soil
C) carry the weight of the occupants
D) support the roof of the building
  • 36. The process of applying chemicals on wood to prevent insect and fungi attack is
A) Particle board
B) Laminated board
C) cardboard
D) Plywood
  • 37. The process of applying chemicals on wood to prevent insect and fungi attack is
A) Wood saving
B) Wood purity
C) Wood cleaning
D) Wood preservation
  • 38. A regular polygon with six sides is called
A) Hexagon
B) Octagon
C) Nonagon
D) Pentagon
  • 39. The primary voltage of a transformer is 120 volts and its primary coil has 270 turns. Calculate the output voltage, if the secondary coil has 180 turns
A) 60 volts
B) 120 volts
C) 80 volts
D) 180 volts
  • 40. Which of the following components does not operate at low frequency transmission?
A) Radio transmitter
B) Transformer
C) Generator
D) Feeder pillar
  • 41. The process of transferring building plan in full size to the ground is called
A) Excavation
B) Foundation
C) Site preparation
D) Setting out
  • 42. As marking-out tool, a small table with a flat surface which is used to test whether other surfaces are flat enough or not is known as _______
A) Anvil
B) Surface plate
C) Hot plate
D) Scriber
  • 43. In site preparation, a typical hand tool used for felling trees and cutting them into smaller lengths is called ______
A) Cutlass
B) Chain saw
C) Axe
D) Hack saw
  • 44. How many poles has a bar magnet?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 4
D) 1
  • 45. Which of the following is a measuring tool?
A) File
B) Hammer
C) Hack saw
D) Vernier callipers
  • 46. Which of the following lines is used for centre line?
A) Thin continuous wavy line
B) Thin long chain
C) Short dashes
D) Thick long chain
  • 47. Which of the following is not a non-ferrous metal?
A) Zinc
B) Wrought iron
C) Copper
D) Aluminium
  • 48. An area of the circle bounded by an arc and a straight line called the chord is known as _____
A) Quadrant
B) Sector
C) Segment
D) Diameter
  • 49. Which of the following triangle has none of its sides equal in length?
A) Equilateral
B) Right-angled
C) Scalene
D) Isosceles
  • 50. An electronic device which offers opposition to the flow of electric current in a circuit is known as ______
A) resistor
B) insulator
C) conductor
D) capacitor
  • 51. An insulating medium through which a capacitor stores electric charges is called ______
A) capacitance
B) di-electric
C) plates
D) cell
  • 52. An electrical instrument used to measure resistance is known as _______
A) Ohmeter
B) Ammeter
C) Wattmeter
D) Voltmeter
  • 53. Which of the following is not a state of matter?
A) Solid
B) Liquid
C) Gas
D) Temperature
  • 54. The house and appliances are protected against possible fire out-break that could arise from faulty electrical equipment by installing _______
A) Watt-hour meter
B) Transformer
C) Circuit breaker and fuses
D) Stabilizer
  • 55. A generator with an input power of 3400W supplies electricity at 220V and 13A. What is the efficiency of the generator?
A) 54%
B) 100%
C) 84%
D) 62%
  • 56. Identify this object
A) Refrigerator
B) A.C Motor
C) Electric pressing iron
D) Electric fan
  • 57. The following object is classified as ____ tool
A) measuring
B) setting out
C) cutting
D) riveting
  • 58. The following object is classified as ____ tool
A) Knocking
B) cutting
C) measuring
D) driving
  • 59. The following object can be used for _____
A) cutting
B) driving
C) setting out
D) measuring
  • 60. Identify this object
A) Hammer
B) Try square
C) Set square
D) Hack saw
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