Markup and Discount
How much is the discount?

What is the sale price?

Item Price $60

Discount Rate 25%

How much is the discount?

What is the sale price?

Item Price $70

Discount Rate 40%

How much is the discount?

What is the sale price?

Item Price $180

Discount Rate 20%

How much is the discount?

What is the sale price?

Item Price $300

Discount Rate 35%

How much is the markup?
What is the marked-up price? 

Item Price $8

Markup Rate 200%

How much is the markup?
What is the marked-up price? 

Item Price $35

Markup Rate 80%

How much is the markup?
What is the marked-up price? 

Item Price $20

Markup Rate 110%

How much is the markup?
What is the marked-up price? 

Item Price $160

Markup Rate 80%

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