It Takes Talent Vocabulary
  • 1. kind and friendly
A) heiress
B) dramatically
C) genial
  • 2. predicting what could happen
A) genial
B) prognostication
C) restrain
  • 3. show strong feeling
A) genial
B) dramatically
C) prognostication
  • 4. hit unexpectedly with something
A) prognostication
B) dramatically
C) genial
D) stricken
  • 5. hold back
A) prognostication
B) restrain
C) stricken
D) dramatically
  • 6. stand against something you disagree with
A) restrain
B) protest
C) stricken
D) dramatically
E) prognostication
  • 7. quickly
A) protest
B) stricken
C) feverishly
D) restrain
  • 8. defeat; prevail
A) overcome
B) feverishly
C) protest
  • 9. failure
A) overcome
B) protest
C) flop
D) feverishly
  • 10. beyond expectations; brilliant
A) spectacular
B) flop
C) overcome
  • 11. a female heir
A) genial
B) heiress
C) flop
  • 12. tools; used mainly in the kitchen
A) objects
B) prognostication
C) materials
D) utensils
  • 13. working well with others
A) obviously
B) maneuver
C) restrain
D) cooperate
  • 14. apparent; unmistakably
A) flop
B) prognostication
C) spectacular
D) obviously
  • 15. Hope was __________ by the ___________ show.
A) restrain; spectacular
B) overcome; flop
C) overcome; spectacular
  • 16. It was _________ that Skylar didn't know how to use the _________.
A) obvious; utensils
B) spectacular; utensils
C) obvious; protest
  • 17. Saveon _________ that he wouldn't ________ the exam.
A) prognosticated; flop
B) protested; flop
C) prognosticated; restrain
  • 18. Anisah was _________ with happiness when she realized she was an ________.
A) stricken; flop
B) stricken; heiress
C) genial; heiress
  • 19. Ayatt is very _________ and always willing to _________.
A) feverish; cooperate
B) genial; restrain
C) genial; cooperate
  • 20. Gillian ran _________ and __________ to class before the tardy bell rang.
A) dramatically; obviously
B) dramatically; feverishly
C) genially; feverishly
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