Fairy Tales
  • 1. What Fairy Tale character lost her shoe?
A) Snow White
B) Goldilocks
C) Cinderella
D) Rapunzel
  • 2. What is the setting of a story?
A) The time and place
B) The problem
C) The ending
D) The people
  • 3. What did Rumplestiltskin turn into gold?
A) apples
B) straw
C) books
D) milk
  • 4. Fairy Tales should have...
A) mother
B) magic
C) masters
D) music
  • 5. Who was captive in a tower?
A) Rapunzel
B) The woodcutter
C) Rose Red
D) Rumplestiltskin
  • 6. What was put under the princess' many matresses?
A) a pizza
B) a ring
C) a pea
D) a book
  • 7. What did the shoemaker make for the elves?
A) a ring
B) food
C) beds
D) clothes
  • 8. What item did Jack not take from the giant?
A) hen
B) book
C) harp
D) gold
  • 9. How many dwarves helped Snow white?
A) eight
B) seven
C) three
D) two
  • 10. How are many spells broken?
A) with a kiss
B) with a meal
C) with a smile
D) with a fight
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