Myths Test 1
  • 1. From where did Prometheus get fire?
A) the moon
B) Mount Olympus
C) the sun
D) the stars
  • 2. Which of the following does NOT happen when humans use fire?
A) They keep warm
B) They make swords and spears
C) They build villages and towns
D) they cook their food
  • 3. How does Zeus punish Prometheus?
A) He banishes them to the sea
B) He turns him into a human
C) He takes the fire away from the humans
D) Chains him to a rock for centuries
  • 4. The Greeks believed out of ______ heaven and earth were separated.
A) chaos
B) sun
C) love
D) dirt
  • 5. Cronus kills his father, _________, and takes over.
A) Gaea
B) Tethys
C) Zeus
D) Uranus
  • 6. Zeus kills his father with a _________.
A) lightning bolt
B) sword
C) knife
D) darts
  • 7. Out of Uranus's blood was born ________.
A) Rhea
B) Theia
C) Cupid
D) Aphrodite
  • 8. Gaea and Uranus give birth to the _________.
A) Titans
B) babies
C) Olympians
D) humans
  • 9. Cronus freaked out and was scared that he would be taken over, so he __________his kids.
A) murdered
B) killed
C) swallowed
D) banished
  • 10. Zeus is married to ________________.
A) Hera
B) Hades
C) Demeter
D) Persephone
  • 11. The time period in which these myths take place is ______________.
A) 7,000 years ago
B) 1100 BC to 500 BC
C) 10,000 years ago
D) 2 million years ago
  • 12. Prometheus was a __________.
A) Titan
B) Hundred Hander
C) Human
D) Cyclops
  • 13. Cronus marries _________.
A) Pandora
B) Rhea
C) Aphrodite
D) Demeter
  • 14. The first woman was made by _______.
A) Hephaestus
B) Zeus
C) Myths depict all of the above could have made her.
D) Prometheus
  • 15. The first woman's name was _______.
A) Demeter
B) Aphrodite
C) Gaea
D) Pandora
  • 16. True or False: All of the Titans helped Zeus kill Cronus.
A) True
B) Who knows
C) Don't care
D) False
  • 17. True or False: Hera loved to punish those who had affairs with her husband.
A) Don't care
B) Who knows
C) False
D) True
  • 18. Poseidon is the god of _________.
A) Oceans
B) Earth
C) Water
D) Sky
  • 19. Hera is the goddess of _________.
A) Women
B) Humans
C) Agriculture
D) Men
  • 20. What is the belief about right and wrong in the story "Daedalus and Icarus"
A) Run away while you can.
B) Always be on-time
C) Don't listen to others.
D) Always listen to your parents
  • 21. Hades is in charge of ___________.
A) gods and goddesses
B) money
C) the Underworld
D) dolphins
  • 22. Prometheus's name means ________.
A) study more
B) forethought
C) for something
D) savior
  • 23. Epimethius's name means _________.
A) I like you
B) Epi- antidote
C) Me and Us
D) afterthought
  • 24. What was the only thing left in Pandora's box?
A) hate
B) revenge
C) love
D) hope
  • 25. Pandora was married to __________.
A) Prometheus
B) Epimethius
C) Zeus
D) Hephaestus
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