  • 1. The prefix "dis-" means...
A) before
B) not
C) after
D) not
  • 2. The prefix "un-" means...
A) not
B) open
C) not
D) before
  • 3. -ing is a ...
A) prefix
B) verb
C) suffix
D) suffix
  • 4. The prefix "re-" means ...
A) again
B) again
C) not
D) before
  • 5. The prefix "pre-" means...
A) again
B) not
C) before
D) before
  • 6. [Xfgkphe word "runner" is a ...
A) adjective
B) verb
C) noun
D) noun
  • 7. -er is a ...
A) noun
B) suffix
C) prefix
D) suffix
  • 8. A suffix is added to the
A) middle of a root word
B) beginning of a root word
C) end of a root word
D) end of a root word
  • 9. A prefix is added to the
A) beginning of a root word
B) middle of a root word
C) beginning of a root word
D) end of a root word
  • 10. The root word of "undone" is...
A) done
B) un
C) done
D) do
  • 11. The root word of "disobey" is
A) obey
B) oh
C) obey
D) bey
  • 12. The word "redoing" has how many affixes?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 2
  • 13. Which word mean "not happy"?
A) unhappy
B) rehappy
C) unhappy
D) happier
  • 14. Which word means "make again"HESTV]
A) remake
B) remake
C) unmake
D) dismake
  • 15. Which word means "before cooking"?
A) precooking
B) recook
C) uncook
D) precooking
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