ESL092 Last Week
  • 1. The opposite of mandatory.
A) optional
B) carpool
C) plethora
D) mandatory
  • 2. If you are always late, then you are not a ___________________ person.
A) punctual
B) discard
C) optional
D) carpool
  • 3. When my brother told me that he is going to start losing weight today.
A) Actions speak louder than words.
B) It's raining cats and dogs
C) Don't judge a book by its cover
D) I've lost my head
  • 4. before one is married.
A) punctual
B) sibling
C) fiancé
D) discard
  • 5. If you are adding money into your checking or savings.
A) punctual
B) deposit
C) frugal
D) withdrawal
  • 6. I did not buy the car because I am__________.
A) deposit
B) frugal
C) bucks
D) carpool
  • 7. I didn't want to go to the opera. I am glad I did. Now I have an apprecation for the opera.
A) I'm under the weather
B) It's raining cats and dogs
C) Don't judge a book by its cover
D) I've lost my head
  • 8. Jodi said, "Please ________ all cans into the recycling bin."
A) fiancé
B) punctual
C) discard
D) bucks
  • 9. I _________________ a microwave oven for a bicycle because i needed transportation to get to work.
A) optional
B) sibling
C) punctual
D) bartered
  • 10. Joe said, "We have to go to the meeting."
A) mandatory
B) carpool
C) siblings
D) optional
  • 11. My wife maes the best vegetable _____________ . It is better than they make in restaurants.
A) soup
B) soap
  • 12. Victoria said, May I borrow five___________.
A) frugal
B) bucks
C) deposit
D) siblings
  • 13. very sick.
A) under the weather
B) Don't judge a book by its cover
C) sick as a dog
D) It's raining cats and dogs
  • 14. Helps clean a person.
A) soup
B) soap
  • 15. To sit around the house all day.
A) punctual
B) optional
C) workout weirdo
D) couch potato
  • 16. I have seven ________________. Five brothers and two sisters.
A) frugal
B) siblings
C) fiancé
D) bucks
  • 17. To take money out of the bank.
A) frugal
B) bucks
C) deposit
D) withdrawal
  • 18. Are you ever ________ in the class. Maybe you need to exercise more.
A) weary
B) carpool
C) punctual
D) deposit
  • 19. Two people in a car at one time
A) carpool
B) discard
C) optional
D) siblings
  • 20. I had to call my wife in sick because I was________________.
A) It's raining cats and dogs
B) I've lost my head
C) Actions speak louder than words.
D) under the weather
  • 21. Karen has a________________ of knowledge about technology
A) siblings
B) discard
C) plethora
D) deposit
  • 22. When you are single man, you are a
A) bachelorette
B) bachelor
  • 23. When you are a single lady, you are a
A) bachelor
B) bachelorette
  • 24. If you are the smallest and weakest of a litter then you are considered the runt
A) false
B) True
  • 25. I am so hungry, I could .......
A) Dog eat dog
B) who let the cat out of the bag.
C) quiet as a mouse
D) Eat a horse
  • 26. To be very quiet, without disturbing anyone.
A) Dog house
B) Dog eat dog
C) quiet as a mouse
D) Eat a horse
  • 27. If I was cooking a turkey, I would cook it in the
A) pot
B) oven
C) frying pan
D) strainer
  • 28. To boil spaghetti, you first need to put water in a ___________.
A) frying pan
B) pot
C) strainer
D) oven
  • 29. When the spaghetti is done cooking and you need to get all of the water out, you should use a ________________.
A) strainer
B) oven
C) pot
D) frying pan
  • 30. To cook scrambled eggs you would use a
A) strainer
B) frying pan
C) oven
D) pot
  • 31. When walking a dog, the person holds on to the ___________.
A) collar
B) leash
  • 32. This goes around the dog or cat's neck.
A) leash
B) collar
  • 33. " To cut out."
A) leave early
B) stop a habit
  • 34. " To call it a day / night. "
A) work overtime into the day / night
B) stop working for the day / night
C) get a bonus for working
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