These blocks total +4 Each blue block represents +1 These blocks total +5 This expression represents this block model: +2 (+2)+(+3)=+5 +3 These blocks total +5 This expression represents this block model: +4 (+4)+(+1)=+5 +1 1. Write the addition expression that represents the block model. +5 + −1 −9 4 +1 +9 2. Write the addition expression that represents the block model. + +5 −2 −8 3 +2 +8 These blocks total -4 Each red block represents -1 (-2)+(-3)=-5 These blocks total -5 This expression respresents the block model: -2 -3 (-4)+(-1)=-5 These blocks total -5 This expression represents the block model: -1 -4 3. Write the addition expression that represents the block model. - −5 −1 −9 4 +9 +1 4. Write the addition expression that represents the block model. - −5 2 −3 −7 +7 +3 5. Write the addition expression that represents the block model. −5 - −2 −8 3 +2 +8 Write the addition expression that represents the block model. 6. −4 - 4 0 −8 +8 +4 7. Write the addition expression that represents the block model. −4 - 2 −2 −6 +2 +6 This is the expression that represents the block model. +3 -3 When the amount of blue and red blocks are equal, the result is ZERO (+3)+(-3)=0 8. a Write the addition expression for the answer choice that does not equal zero. c All answer choices equal zero except one. Which choice does NOT equal zero? d b 9. a c Write the addition expression for the answer choice that does not equal zero. All answer choices equal zero except one. Which choice does NOT equal zero? d b 10. Write the addition expression for the answer choice that does not equal zero. c a All answer choices equal zero except one. Which choice does NOT equal zero? d b These blocks total +1 This expression represents the block model: (+3) + (-2) = +1 If there are more blue (positive) blocks than red (negative) blocks, the result is POSITIVE +3 -2 11. Write the expression for the answer choice that does not equal +2. c a All answer choices equal +2 except one. Which choice does NOT equal +2? d b 12. Write the expression for the answer choice that does not equal +3. c a All answer choices equal +3 except one. Which choice does NOT equal +3? d b Write the expression for the answer choice that does not equal +1. 13. a c All answer choices equal +1 except one. Which choice does NOT equal +1? b d Write the expression that represents the block model. 14. + −2 +2 −2 4 +6 -6 15. Write the expression that represents the block model. + −2 +3 −3 5 -7 +7 16. Write the expression that represents the block model. +8 −3 + −8 5 +2 -2 These blocks total -2 This expression represents the model: (-5) + (+3) = -2 +3 If there are more red (negative) blocks than blue (positive) blocks, the result is NEGATIVE. -5 17. Write the expression that represents the answer choice that does not equal −3. a c All answer choices equal -3 except one. Which choice does NOT equal -3? d b 18. Write the expression for the answer choice that does not equal −2. c a All answer choices equal -2 except one. Which choice does NOT equal -2? d b 19. Write the expression for the answer choice that does not equal −1. a c All answer choices equal -1 except one. Which choice does NOT equal -1? d b 20. Write the expression that represents the model. −1 −9 + −5 4 +9 +1 21. Write the expression that represents the model. + −5 −1 −3 2 +3 -2 22. Write the expression that represents the model. −1 +1 + −5 1 +4 -4 Write the expression that represents the model. 23. −1 −9 + −5 4 +9 +1 Turn in your paper |