Properties of Numbers
__1. (1+2) + 3 = 1 + (2 + 3)A. Inverse Property of Addition
__2. 3(4) = 4(3)B. Identity Property of Multiplication
__3. 5(1/5) = 1C. Associative Property of Multiplication
__4. 5*0 = 0D. Commutative Property of Addition
__5. 7(x + 12) = 7x + 84E. Identity Property of Addition
__6. 16 + 0 = 16F. Commutative Property of Multiplication
__7. 19 + (-19) = 0G. Distributive Property
__8. a(b*c) = (a*b)cH. Multiplication Property of Zero
__9. a*1 = aI. Associative Property of Addition
__10. a + b = b + aJ. Inverse Property of Multiplication
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