Angles Vocab Quiz
__1. acute angleA. two angles that together have a sum of 180 degrees
__2. adjacent anglesB. two angles that together have a sum of 90 degrees
__3. complementary anglesC. an angle that has a measure of exactly 90 degrees
__4. linear pairD. any angle more than 90 degrees
__5. obtuse angleE. one angle that has a measure of exactly 180 degrees
__6. right angleF. any angle less than 90 degrees
__7. straight angleG. two angles that are side by side, sharing a common side
__8. supplementary anglesH. two angles opposite from each other & are always congruent
__9. vertexI. two adjacent & supplementary angles forming a straight line
__10. vertical anglesJ. the common endpoint of two rays in an angle
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