Mathematics Numbers
  • 1. In mathematics the symbol+ means
A) find the difference
B) plus
C) find the quotient
D) find the product
E) find the sum
  • 2. Which number has the least value?
A) 3863
B) 3386
C) 3683
D) 3368
E) 3638
  • 3. What is the value of the 3 in the numeral 134,925?
A) 300000
B) 3
C) 30000
D) 30
E) 300
  • 4. 483-126
A) 357
B) 509
C) 363
D) 276
E) 367
  • 5. A farmer picked 246 oranges. He sold 94 to a vendor and he used a dozen to make juice. How many are left?
A) 151
B) 152
C) 140
D) 341
E) 346
  • 6. What is the value of 286 and 24?
A) 215
B) 200
C) 262
D) 310
E) 301
  • 7. Which number is missing form the series 28,31, 34, __, 40
A) 39
B) 21
C) 30
D) 37
E) 45
  • 8. What is 147 rounded to the nearest 10?
A) 150
B) 140
C) 137
D) 157
E) 147
  • 9. What is the value of the 7 in 283.07?
A) 7000
B) 0.7
C) 7 tenths
D) 700
E) 70
  • 10. Which shows three thousand,seven hundred five dollars and eight cents?
A) 3705.80
B) 3750.80
C) 3507.8
D) 3750.08
E) 3705.08
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