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Hauen laguntzarekin: Rossbach
  • 1. What situations arise a COMPLAINT LETTER?
A) bad attitude, less taxes, wrong quantity
B) bad product, payment terms, credit delay
C) bad product, bad service, delay, invoicing error
D) delay, bad service, wrong quantity
E) bad product, confused product, error in the address
  • 2. Why do companies use ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LETTERS?
A) to confirm or negotiate the order
B) to inform about prices and data
C) to acknowledge receipt
D) to request information
E) to provide information
  • 3. Who sends the ORDER LETTER?
A) the supplier
B) the bank
C) the transportation
D) the creditor
E) the customer
  • 4. Who receives the CREDIT APPLICATION LETTER?
A) the supplier
B) the customer
C) the reference
D) the transportation
E) the people
  • 5. Who receives the ORDER LETTER?
A) the customer
B) the creditor
C) the transportation
D) the supplier
E) the bank
  • 6. Which is the main point of an ADJUSTMENT?
A) lose the customer
B) get the customer back
C) provide a solution for the customer
D) apologize with the customer
E) provide an explanation to the customer
  • 7. What can be required in an ORDER LETTER?
A) a product or a service
B) a service
C) neither a product nor a service
D) a product
E) everything we want
  • 8. Which is the paragraph order of the ORDER LETTER?
A) mention the quotation, order the product or service with detailed information, wish to obtain the supply in the required conditions
B) order the product or service, explain why you need it, send payment, hope to receive the supply
C) none of the offered options
D) send an order form, attach a check, wish for the best
E) wish to obtain a supply, ask for a discount, mention the payment terms and the delivery terms
  • 9. Which is the paragraph order of the COMPLAINT LETTER?
A) hope to receive a solution, require an explanation, describe the problem, mention the negative consequences, mention the order
B) none of the options offered
C) refer to the order, express the problem, mention the negative consequences due to the error, require an explanation, demand a solution, hope for the situation to be fixed
D) refer to the order, demand a solution, refer to the order with detailed information, say the negative consequences, hope for the best
E) explain the problem, mention the negative consequences due to the error, refer to the order, demand a solution, threat the supplier
  • 10. Which is the paragraph order of the ADJUSTMENT LETTER?
A) apologize for the error, provide an explanation and a solution, mention that those situations never happen in your company,
B) refer to the complaint, apologize for the error, provide an explanation, mention that the situation barely happens in the company, offer a responsible solution, keep the customer in your portfolio
C) explain what happended, say you are sorry, mention those errors never happen, and offe a solution to bring the customer back
D) refer to the complaint, offer a solution, hope for the customer to be satisfied with the solution, explain the problem, apologize for everything
E) hope that the client continues to trust your company, offer a responsible solution, apologize for the error and provide an explanation, mentioning that those errors barely happen and refer to the complaint
  • 11. Which is the paragraph order of an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LETTER?
A) refer to the order, promt the reader to enjoy the supply and confirm or deny what the customer required in the order
B) none of the provided options
C) order the product or service, get the data for the invoice and confirm the prices, say if you have or do not have the product in stock
D) hope the reader enjoys the product or service, confirm or deny the order, mention when the supply will be carried out or not, establish the payment form and refer to the order
E) refer to the order, confirm or deny the order, establish shipping/delivery/payment terms, attach/mention invoice, prompt the reader to enjoy the supply or service.
  • 12. Who sends a CREDIT APPLICATION letter?
A) the customer
B) the creditor
C) none of the options
D) the supplier
E) the reference
  • 13. Which is the main objective of the CREDIT APPLICATION LETTER?
A) to apply a credit
B) to require a payment
C) none of the options
D) to request a credit
E) to credit an amount of money
  • 14. Which is the paragraph order of a CREDIT APPLICATION LETTER?
A) explain the project or purpose, require the credit and mention the amount/proposed time of payment, provide references, hope for the credit to be granted
B) establish the purpose of the money, deny the credit, provide credit references and hope for the best
C) none of the options
D) mention that you need a credit, explain why, say the interest rate you wish to pay and the conditions, wait for the credit application form
E) apply for the credit and ask if the creditor wishes to obtain any information.
  • 15. What is it to "grant" a credit?
A) positive answer to a credit application
B) neutral answer to a credit application
C) investigate the process of a credit application
D) negative answer to a credit application
E) continue the process of a credit application
  • 16. What is the purpose of a collection letter?
A) to obtain a due payment
B) to collect things
C) to bill a service
D) to credit an account
E) to get a credit
  • 17. The following paragraph order corresponds to ...: 1) Describe the project 2) Request the credit line or loan 3) provide references 4) hope for a positive answer.
A) credit reference request
B) credit granting
C) credit application
D) credit denial
E) credit reference
  • 18. Why is it important to keep a good credit record?
A) because payign is unnecessary
B) because the company wins
C) because nobody will ever grant you credit again
D) because cash basis is better
E) because credit is no good
  • 19. 1) refer to the credit application, 2) provide an excuse for not granting the credit, 3) hope to continue with business on cash basis. IS THE PARAGRAPH ORDER OF....
A) credit granting
B) credit denial
C) credit reference request
D) credit reference letter
E) credit application letter
  • 20. The letter that asks for data on the credit behavior of a customer is called...
A) neutral references
B) credit reference
C) positive references
D) credit reference request
E) negative references
  • 21. Why do banks and service/product companies give credit to their customers?
A) they know for sure that the customers will pay
B) they do not take risks
C) they like to take risks
D) they like to lose money
E) they take the risk to make their businesses grow
  • 22. Why do negative credit references damage the credit records of a company?
A) because they give the idea to the potential creditor that they have a negative impression
B) because they limit the possibility of having someone taking a risk on them.
C) because they say that no money is in their pockets and that they are poor.
D) because they are bad things about the feelings of the potential customer
E) because they translate the negative attitude of the potential customer to the potential creditor
  • 23. Which is the main objective of a credit reference request?
A) to verify if the customer is interested in our company
B) to refer to the ideas of the potential customer
C) to give negative references
D) to ask for references
E) to give positive references
  • 24. Why should credit references be confidential?
A) because public news are of bad taste
B) because they are positive
C) because all other customers will ask for credits
D) because they are negative
E) because the client must not know what we referred about them
  • 25. In what credit letter do we state the terms and conditions of an authorized loan or credit line?
A) credit reference
B) credit application
C) credit granting
D) credit reference request
E) credit denial
  • 26. Which commercial document is the one that leaves a blank or empty fields for the data on the inside address?
A) the circular letter
B) the report
C) the memorandum
D) the payment letter
E) the collection letter
  • 27. Which document is used for communications INSIDE the company?
A) the collection letter
B) the credit reference letter
C) the memorandum
D) the circular letter
E) the payment letter
  • 28. Which is the most practical form to pay to a supplier of products or services?
A) cash attachment to the payment letter.
B) check attachment to the payment letter.
C) money order attachmenet to the payment letter.
D) electronic transference from one bank to another.
E) deposit to a bank branch that is far away.
  • 29. Which collection letter offers the possibility to re-negotiate payment terms?
A) collection e-mail
B) formal collection
C) collection calls
D) friendly reminder
E) ultimatum
  • 30. Which collection letter threatens the debtor with legal action if he/she does not pay?
A) formal collection
B) ultimatum
C) collection calls
D) friendly reminder
E) collection e-mail
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