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Geography, Population, and Culture QUIZ
Hauen laguntzarekin: Russ
  • 1. What imaginary line divides the Earth into the northern and southern hemispheres?
A) international date line
B) equator
C) prime meridian
  • 2. Which continent is both a country and an island?
A) Europe
B) Australia
C) South America
  • 3. Why would there be almost no population in Antarctica?
A) harsh geographical features and climate
B) Antarctica has a large population
C) the location along the equator
  • 4. If your family moved here for a better job opportunity, this is an example of
A) push factor
B) immigration
C) pull factor
  • 5. Someone moving to escape war or famine is considered a
A) refugee
B) immigrant
C) tourist
  • 6. Someone struggling with extreme hunger for many days is experiencing
A) internal migration
B) poverty
C) famine
  • 7. How would famine affect population growth?
A) population would grow
B) it would not be affected
C) population would decline
  • 8. Which of these is NOT an element of culture?
A) language
B) history
C) natural barriers
  • 9. Monotheism is
A) belief in one god
B) belief in no gods
C) belief in many gods
  • 10. Why would cultural diffusion not occur on an island region?
A) the surrounding ocean makes migration difficult
B) both of these
C) the location makes travel and trade difficult
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