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I Remember the Alamo Ch.1-8 Comprehension Quiz
Hauen laguntzarekin: Lacy
  • 1. What is the setting when the story begins?
A) An adobe home in Mexico
B) A humble home in Kentucky
C) A ranch in Texas
D) An apartment building in New York
  • 2. What is Pa's first name?
A) Tad
B) Joe
C) Yancy
D) Luther
  • 3. What was Pa's livelihood at the beginning of the story?
A) A tinker
B) A doctor
C) A butcher
D) A baker
  • 4. What is the genre of this book?
A) Mystery
B) Historical Fiction
C) Fantasy
D) Non-fiction
  • 5. The McCann Family uses every kind of transportation on their journey EXCEPT:
A) Wagon
B) Steamer
C) Airplane
D) Schooner
  • 6. Who was the youngest child in the family when the story began?
A) Tad
B) Callie
C) Jessie
D) Yancy
  • 7. How did Jessie feel about moving to Texas when Pa told them his plan?
A) She was looking forward to making new friends
B) She was overjoyed to be moving
C) She was upset & tired of Pa always wanting to move somewhere else
D) She was excited about a new town
  • 8. Why can't the McCann's stay and farm in Velasco?
A) Velasco is a desert
B) They didn't like their neighbor
C) Velasco is a swamp
D) They couldn't find a house
  • 9. What did Angelina give Jessie the first time they meet?
A) A ring
B) A letter
C) A necklace
D) A rose
  • 10. What was Pa's reaction to Angelina?
A) Pa liked her
B) Pa wanted her to stay with them
C) Pa didn't want Jessie to be friends with her
D) Pa wanted to adopt her
  • 11. Which of the following was NOT something Jessie packed to take with her on their move to Texas?
A) Rag doll
B) Red hair ribbons
C) Book of stories
D) Pet dog
  • 12. Why did Jessie NOT want Pa to find out she & Angelina were friends?
A) Because the girls argued all the time
B) Because Angelina told her to do bad things
C) Because Angelina was a Mexican
D) Because Angelina was much older than her
  • 13. Pa gave instructions for the family while he was gone. If the Mexican army came across the river, what was the family supposed to do?
A) Go to the Alamo
B) Go and hide in the backyard
C) Hide in the cellar
D) Go back to Kentucky
  • 14. Who did the McCann's meet in Chapter 7?
A) Davy Crockett
B) Dr. Wilson
C) Sarah Austin
D) Angelina's mother
  • 15. In Chapter 5, where did Pa go when he left the family to join with Colonel Fannin to fight for Texians' independence?
A) Houston
B) Goliad
C) The Alamo
D) San Antonio
  • 16. In Chapter 6, Jessie & Angelina meet at the bridge. What was the EXCUSE Jessie gave for not wearing the necklace Angelina gave her?
A) 'I gave it to my brother'
B) 'It is broken'
C) 'I lost it'
D) 'My mom took it'
  • 17. What does Davy Crockett show Tad to convince him he really is Davy Crockett?
A) His rifle
B) His picture in the newspaper
C) His coonskin cap
D) His scars
  • 18. At the end of Chapter 6, Jessie made a promise to Angelina. She promised to:
A) Always think of Angelina as a friend
B) Buy a new necklace
C) Find the necklace
D) Write her letters every day
  • 19. What book does Colonel Travis give Jessie to read in the Alamo?
A) The Last of the Mohicans
B) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
C) The Bible
D) A book of Tall Tales
  • 20. Why was the necklace so special to Angelina?
A) She found it buried in the ground
B) She made it herself
C) Her favorite brother gave it to her before he died
D) It was her great-grandmother's necklace
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