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Homeostasis Practice Test
Hauen laguntzarekin: Collins
__1. antibioticA. maintains homeostasis through secretion of hormones
__2. antibodyB. important barrier to pathogens
__3. antisepticC. targeted defense set off by body's response to antigens
__4. endocrine systemD. targeted response, marks antigen, binds to specific antigen
__5. feedback systemE. disease causing agent
__6. hormoneF. body responds to some change in the environment
__7. immune systemG. signal molecule in blood released by a endocrine gland
__8. pathogenH. plasma membrane has a binding site for particular hormone
__9. skinI. generic term for medicine which kills bacteria
__10. target cellJ. used to kill both bacteria and viruses outside of the body
__11. adrenalA. raises blood calcium levels
__12. calcitoninB. produces thyroxine and calcitonin
__13. hypothalamusC. hormone which stimulates metabolism
__14. pancreasD. hormone that lowers blood calcium levels
__15. parathyroidE. releasing hormones made here
__16. pinealF. hypothalamus stimulates this to affect other glands
__17. pituitaryG. produces epinephrine and norepinephrine
__18. thymusH. stimulates T cell development
__19. thyroidI. produces insulin and glucagon
__20. thyroxineJ. produces melatonin
__21. athlete's footA. major excretory organ
__22. B cellsB. stores extra glucose as glycogen
__23. helper T cellsC. created by mast cells in response to an antigen
__24. histaminesD. pathogen is a fungi
__25. KidneyE. pathogen is a bacterium associated with a tick
__26. Killer T cells/cytotoxic T cellF. pathogen is an airborne bacteria
__27. liverG. pathogen is an airborne virus
__28. Lyme diseaseH. attacks infected body cells
__29. the common coldI. circulates in the body fluids, produces antibodies
__30. tuberculosisJ. activates the Killer T cells and B cells antibody production
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