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U1 -- WK2 -- 8.SP.2
Hauen laguntzarekin: Eckardt
  • 1. Most of the data in real life situations is ordered and fits a line with hundred percent accuracy.
  • 2. If the data points are "scattered", then we try to find a line that best fits the data.
  • 3.
A) c
B) b
C) d
D) a
  • 4. A scatter plot is a plot of all the ordered pairs in a table.
  • 5.
A) D
B) A
C) B
D) C
  • 6. Strong positive and negative correlations have data points _____ to the line of best fit.
A) fairly close
B) far away
C) very close
D) from right to left
  • 7. Which is true about this graph?
A) Line 2 is the better line of best fit because it passes directly through 2 of the points on the graph.
B) Line 1 is the better line of best fit because there are about as many points above and below the line.
C) There is no correlation present in this scatterplot.
D) Neither line is appropriate, because there is a negative correlation present in the scatterplot.
  • 8. Which is true about this graph?
A) A line with a negative slope should be used to model the scatterplot data.
B) There is no correlation present in this scatterplot.
C) A line with a positive slope should be used to model the scatterplot data.
  • 9. The correlation in this scatterplot is best described as _________________.
A) strong positive correlation
B) weak positive correlation
C) moderate negative correlation
D) moderate positive correlation
  • 10. The correlation in this scatterplot is best described as ______________.
A) strong positive correlation
B) weak positive correlation
C) strong negative correlation
D) weak negative correlation
  • 11. The line of best fit in this image is not a good line of best fit because:
A) it is not drawn through the middle of the points
B) it should be going down from left to right
C) there is no correlation in this scatterplot
  • 12. The correlation in this scatterplot is best described as ______________.
A) no correlation
B) weak negative correlation
C) moderate negative correlation
D) strong negative correlation
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