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Ch. 7 Lesson 1 p.167-169
Hauen laguntzarekin: Welser
  • 1. What would happen if a gray fox were placed in the Arctic?
A) It would immediately meet up with the Arctic fox and there wouldn't be any problems.
B) It would be able to survive without any problems.
C) It would have a hard time surviving because it has not adapted to the Arctic.
  • 2. What adaptation, besides large ears, might an animal have to keep cool?
A) Dark colored fur
B) Short fur
C) Long fur
  • 3. What is an adaptation that fennec and arctic foxes have in common?
A) White fur
B) Furry feet
C) Yellow fur
  • 4. True or false. An adaptation of a gray fox is that its small body makes moving through the forest easy.
A) False
B) True
  • 5. True or false. Curved claws make it difficult for a gray fox to climb trees.
A) False
B) True
  • 6. What are three purposes of adaptations?
A) All of these are correct.
B) Helping organisms get their energy.
C) Protecting organisms from danger.
D) Helping organisms attract mates and reproduce.
  • 7. True or false. Hibernation is a body process that allows organisms to use less energy in the winter months.
A) True
B) False
  • 8. Look at the picture of peacock on p. 168. Why does a male have beautiful, shiny feathers?
A) To win fights against other females.
B) To attract a female.
  • 9. True or false. A structure adaptation involves the actual structure of the organism. For example- webbed feet on a duck, backbones on humans, etc...
A) True
B) False
  • 10. The mandrill on p. 169 eats grasses and seeds. What might happen to the mandrill if the grasses and seeds in his environment stop growing?
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