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The Nervous System
Hauen laguntzarekin: De Koe
  • 1. Which of these is NOT a job of the nervous system?
A) To allow you to sense the world around you and react to it.
B) To allow you to store information that you learn
C) To control all other body systems.
D) To bring in oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide.
  • 2. The _________ includes the brain and spinal cord.
A) Peripheral Nervous System
B) Upper Nervous System
C) Central Nervous System
D) all of these
  • 3. Anything that causes a reaction is a ____
A) sense
B) stimulus
C) nerve
D) reflex
  • 4. ___ is another name for a nerve/brain cell.
A) nucleous
B) neutron
C) neuron
D) neuroff
  • 5. #5 is a(n) ___.
A) axon
B) nucleus
C) cell body
D) dendrite
  • 6. #6 is a(n) ___.
A) cell body
B) dendrite
C) axon
D) nucleus
  • 7. #7 is a(n) ___.
A) dendrite
B) nucleus
C) axon
D) cell body
  • 8. #8 is a(n) __.
A) axon
B) cell body
C) dendrite
D) nucleus
  • 9. ___ detect things like heat, texture, and pressure and transforms that info into nerve impulses.
A) interneurons
B) sensory receptors
C) motor nerves
D) sensory nerves
  • 10. ___ tell the muscles to move or glands to make enzymes or hormones.
A) sensory receptors
B) motor nerves
C) interneurons
D) sensory nerves
  • 11. The tiny gap (space) between neurons where nerve impulses transmit from one to another called
A) neurotransmitter
B) dendrite
C) axon
D) synapse
  • 12. A ______ is an involuntary, automatic response that allows your body to react to a stimulus without having to think about it.
A) reflex
B) synapse
C) dendrite
D) reflection
  • 13. #13 is the ___.
A) cerebellum
B) brain stem
C) cerebrum
  • 14. #14 is the ___.
A) cerebrum
B) cerebellum
C) brain stem
  • 15. #15 is the ___.
A) cerebellum
B) brain stem
C) cerebrum
  • 16. The branch-like structures that stretch out to the right of the #8 are called...
A) axons
B) dentrites
C) neurons
D) axon terminals
  • 17. An electrical signal transmitted by a neuron
A) synapse
B) nervewifi
C) nerve impulse
  • 18. The ______ is mostly made up of nerves connecting the rest of the body to the spinal cord.
A) Upper Nervous System
B) Central Nervous System
C) All of these
D) Peripheral Nervous System
  • 19. The five senses that pick up information about the environment are ___.
A) sight, smell, hearing, taste, and balance
B) sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing
C) taste, touch, hearing, feeling, and sight
D) smell, sight, balance, taste, and touch
  • 20. Your senses are not really for you to just enjoy the world around you. They are for letting you know of danger and doing something about it.
A) false
B) true
  • 21. The _____ transmits info, in the form of nerve impulses, to the central nervous system.
A) sensory receptors
B) motor nerves
C) stimuli
D) sensory nerves
  • 22. Which part of the brain controls essential internal functions (ie. breathing, heart rate) and involuntary movement
A) cerebrum
B) brain stem
C) spinal cord
D) cerebellum
  • 23. Which part of the brain controls voluntary movement, sensory interpretation, and intelligence.
A) brain stem
B) spinal cord
C) cerebellum
D) cerebrum
  • 24. Which part of the brain controls balance and coordination
A) cerebellum
B) spinal cord
C) brain stem
D) cerebrum
  • 25. A reflex requires info sent to and received back from...
A) spinal cord
B) cerebellum
C) brain stem
D) cerebrum
  • 26. Which of the following is NOT a function of the cerebrum
A) involuntary movements
B) regulating emotion
C) intelligence
D) interpreting senses
  • 27. The path taken by a nerve impulse during a reflex
A) nerve bend
B) up to the cerebellum and back
C) reflex arc
D) reflection
  • 28. A chemical substance through which nerve impulses travel from one neuron to another
A) neurotransmitter
B) axon terminals
C) hormones
D) meninges
  • 29. The protective membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord
A) cranium
B) medulla
C) meninges
D) brain stem
  • 30. A hard structure surrounding the spinal cord for its protection
A) cranium
B) vertebra
C) brain stem
D) meninges
  • 31. Bundles of axons wrapped together with blood vessels and connective tissue - connects the central nervous system to the rest of the body. Most contain axons from both sensory neurons and motor neurons:
A) fibreop
B) spinal cord
C) brain stem
D) nerves
  • 32. They receive messages and transform them into nerve impulses.
A) dendrites
B) synapse
C) axons
D) axon terminals
  • 33. Nerve impulses travel through these long neuron extensions.
A) axons
B) neurotransmitters
C) dendrites
D) axon terminals
  • 34. Central structure that holds the nucleus.
A) axon
B) dendrite
C) cell body
D) cerebrum
  • 35. Transmits nerve impulses to the next neuron's dendrite
A) axon
B) axon terminal
C) dendrite
D) nucleus
  • 36. Which of the following is NOT true about neurons.
A) They transform stimuli into nerve impulses
B) There are about 100 billion in the body
C) They require a lot of glucose and oxygen
D) They can reproduce and replace themselves
  • 37. Breathing during your sleep is a voluntary movement.
A) true
B) false
  • 38. Protecting your head when near a falling object is a reflex.
A) false
B) true
  • 39. When Amelia eats pasta and her stomach then begins the digestion process, explain the path taken in the body from the stimuli (eating the pasta) to the action (her stomach beginning digestion). Try to be specific when you can as to the parts of the body and brain the nerve impulse would visit. (You do NOT need to mention the specific parts of the neuron)
    This question will be marked separately by me.
  • 40. 1. central nervous system
    2. muscles
    3. motor nerve
    4. stimulus
    5. sensory nerve
    6. sensory receptors
    What is the proper order of the above steps for information traveling through the body.
A) 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
B) 2 , 3 , 1 , 5 , 6 , 4
C) 4 , 5 , 6 , 1 , 2 , 3
D) 4 , 6 , 5 , 1 , 3 , 2
  • 41. Which of the following is NOT one of the 4 lobes in the cerebrum
A) temporal
B) frontal
C) accidental
D) parietal
  • 42. The inner layer of the cerebrum contains grey matter
A) false
B) true
  • 43. The MEDULLA is another name for the...
A) brain stem
B) cerebrum
C) synapse
D) cerebellum
  • 44. What are 3 ways to stay sharp?! (to keep your brain and nervous system working efficiently!)
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