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Literary Terms
Hauen laguntzarekin: Sykes
__1. biographyA. the people and/or animals we get to know in a story.
__2. characterB. a form of non-fiction, telling about another person's life.
__3. character traitC. writing that tells about imaginary characters and events.
__4. climaxD. the turning point of a story
__5. conflictE. where the opposite of the expected is what happens.
__6. fictionF. a quality that describes what a character is like.
__7. flashbackG. events that are out of sequence, that happened in the past.
__8. foreshadowingH. a struggle between the main character and an outside force.
__9. inferenceI. hints and clues about what will come in the future
__10. ironyJ. a conclusion drawn, based on clues and background knowledge
__11. moodA. the atmosphere or feeling the author creates
__12. moralB. a reason that explains a characters words or actions
__13. motivationC. a speaker or character that is telling the story
__14. narrativeD. a lesson taught by a literary work.
__15. narratorE. the perspective from which the story is told
__16. plotF. writing or speech that tells a story
__17. point of viewG. the events that occur to resolve the conflict
__18. resolutionH. the sequence of events in a story
__19. settingI. the time, location, and mood of the story
__20. themeJ. a central message, idea, that is expressed in a story
__21. alliterationA. repetition of similar sounds in the beginning of words
__22. hyperboleB. a word phrase that means something different than it says.
__23. idiomC. use of extreme exaggeration
__24. imageryD. the comparison of two things, without using "like" or "as"
__25. metaphorE. non-human objects are given human qualities and traits
__26. personificationF. words used to appeal to one's senses.
__27. simileG. comparison of two things, using the words "like" or "as".
__28. stanzaH. anything that stands for or represents something else
__29. symbol/symbolismI. the attitude of an author toward the subject written about.
__30. toneJ. a group of lines in a poem
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