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Science Chapter 2: The Cell
Hauen laguntzarekin: Huntington
__1. cell membraneA. cells with no nuclear membrane
__2. cytoplasmB. has a nucleus with a membrane around it
__3. endoplasmic reticulumC. outer boundary; controls what goes in and out of the cell
__4. eukaryotic cellD. directs all cell activity; brain
__5. golgi bodiesE. gel-like substance that holds the organelles
__6. nucleusF. produce proteins
__7. prokaryotic cellG. moves materials around the cell
__8. ribosomesH. package and move proteins, pancakes and sausage
__9. cell wallA. digest waste
__10. chloroplastsB. storage area
__11. chromatinC. food broken down and energy released, powerhouse
__12. lysosomeD. contain chlorophyll; where photosynthesis happens in plants
__13. mitochondriaE. controls what goes in and out of the nucleus
__14. nuclear membraneF. genetic blueprint (DNA)
__15. vacuolesG. support and protect PLANT cells
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