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Science Chapter 7 & 8 Review
Hauen laguntzarekin: Huntington
__1. algaeA. amoeba: moves by psuedopods
__2. bacteriaB. animal-like protists
__3. ciliateC. plant-like protist
__4. cyanobacteriaD. fungus-like protists
__5. euglenoidE. produce own food, have chlorophyll
__6. flagellateF. help clean environment by causing decay
__7. prokayotesG. paramecium; moves by cilia
__8. protazoansH. has a flagella, eyespot and is green
__9. sarcodineI. have no nucleus
__10. slime moldJ. moves by flagella, many parasitic, not green
__11. antibacteriaA. green, shaped like petri dish, used in toothpaste
__12. bacilli, cocci or spirillaB. club fungi
__13. ciliaC. don't move, parasitic, can cause diseases like malaria
__14. diatomsD. sac fungi
__15. lichenE. fungi and cyanobacteria living in mutual ism
__16. moldF. sporangium or zygote fungi
__17. mushroomG. short thread-like structures from cell membrane
__18. parasiteH. drug used to kill bacteria
__19. sporozoanI. gains food while harming host
__20. yeastJ. shapes of bacteria
__21. bacilliA. rod shaped
__22. basidiumB. spiral shaped
__23. buddingC. round
__24. cocciD. whip like tail
__25. fissionE. bacteria reproduction
__26. flagellaF. use dead things as food source
__27. saprophyteG. club shaped structures, make spores
__28. spirillaH. form new cell on side of parent cell
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