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Culture, Government, Population, Economics Review Test
Hauen laguntzarekin: Russ
  • 1. What is a local variation of a language?
A) scarcity
B) cultural diffusion
C) globalization
D) dialect
  • 2. Spreading ideas, customs, and language from one culture to another
A) globalization
B) ethnic group
C) cultural diffusion
D) civilization
  • 3. A highly developed culture
A) population
B) civilization
C) famine
D) ethnic group
  • 4. People who share the same language, history, religion, and physical traits
A) dialect
B) ethnic group
C) culture
D) religion
  • 5. The development of a worldwide culture with an interdependent economy
A) dialect
B) globalization
C) cultural diffusion
D) climate
  • 6. Which of these is NOT considered to be an element of culture?
A) climate
B) religion
C) language
D) art
  • 7. In which type of government does one person have all the power?
A) oligarchy
B) monarchy
C) democracy
D) anarchy
  • 8. In which type of government is power shared among all people?
A) anarchy
B) monarchy
C) democracy
D) dictatorship
  • 9. An heir to the throne of a king is most likely to be his
A) son
B) brother
C) best friend
D) wife
  • 10. A person who flees their country for safety in a time of persecution, war, or disaster
A) famine
B) refugee
C) immigrant
D) urbanization
  • 11. The growth of cities
A) urbanization
B) population density
C) push pull theory
D) refugee
  • 12. A severe lack of food
A) refugee
B) culture
C) famine
D) population density
  • 13. The number of births each year for every 1,000 people
A) famine
B) death rate
C) population density
D) birthrate
  • 14. The idea that people are drawn to a place for good reasons and leave other places because of bad situations
A) scarcity
B) push pull theory
C) population density
D) anarchy
  • 15. The average number of people living in 1 square mile
A) population density
B) urbanization
C) migration
D) birthrate
  • 16. When someone moves from one state to another within the same country
A) immigrant
B) external migration
C) internal migration
D) emigrate
  • 17. Which of these is NOT an example of a pull factor
A) close to family
B) war
C) better weather
D) better job
  • 18. The number of deaths per year for every 1,000 people
A) death rate
B) scarcity
C) famine
D) birthrate
  • 19. When someone leaves a country
A) immigrant
B) emigrate
C) internal migration
D) urbanization
  • 20. Which of these are needs?
A) water
B) all of these
C) housing
D) food
  • 21. The exchange of goods or services without using money
A) distribute
B) consume
C) scarcity
D) barter
  • 22. Bartering was used before the creation of __________.
A) food sources
B) trade
C) money
D) consumer
  • 23. Which element of culture indicates how people speak?
A) art
B) language
C) history
D) government
  • 24. The situation where no formal government is in charge
A) dictatorship
B) oligarchy
C) democracy
D) anarchy
  • 25. In most culture groups the most important social group is the _______________.
A) family
B) friends
C) sports teams
D) school groups
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