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__1. AbdominalA. located on front of upper arm, bicep curls for workout
__2. BicepsB. Located on top of shoulder/ arm, side arm raises for workout
__3. DeltoidsC. located on front waist, sit-ups for workout
__4. Erector SpinaeD. Located on Lower back, back extensions for workout
__5. Gastrocnemius Soleus (Calf)E. Located on back of lower leg, Calf Raises for workout
__6. GluteusF. largest muscle on body, squats for workout
__7. HamstringsA. Located on back of top leg, squats for workout
__8. Latissiumus Dorsi & RhomboidsB. muscles on mid-back, pull-ups and chin-ups for workout
__9. ObliquesC. located on side of waist, twist crunches for work-out
__10. PectoralisD. Located on chest, push-ups for work-out
__11. QuadricepsE. Located on upper front leg, squats for work-out
__12. TrapeziusF. Located on neck and shoulders, shoulder shrug for workout
__13. TricepsG. Located on the back of the arm, push-ups for workout
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