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Demo - Introduction to Computers
Hauen laguntzarekin: Bowlin
  • 1. What are 3 types of storage devices?
A) tupperware, rubbermaid, pampered chef
B) Sunday drive
C) hard drive floppy drive CD drive
D) fast drive, slow drive, afternoon drive
  • 2. What is an output device?
A) device uses to display the results of info processed by the computer
B) device that always you to add info to your computer
D) ipod
  • 3. What are 2 types of output devices?
A) Geek Squad
B) printers, monitors
C) RAM and ROM
D) Bytes
  • 4. What is a byte?
A) bite out of crime
B) large hole in a computer after a storm
C) used to measure the amount of info a device can store
D) new hamburger at McDonalds
  • 5. One byte is equal to?
A) a character
B) a new computer
C) the amount of space on a disc
D) the entire library of Congress
  • 6. What is a gigabyte equal to?
A) a long math problem
B) one shelf of books in a library
C) long line at Walmart
D) a new movie preview
  • 7. Name 2 types of computer systems?
B) expansion card
C) windows & Dell
D) motherboard
  • 8. What was the 1st home computer with graphical display?
B) Dell
C) Gateway
D) Mac
  • 9. What is a Mainframe Computer?
A) CPU of the computer
B) the main part of your computer
C) a nice new picture frame
D) Can process and store large amounts of info and support may users
  • 10. Why use a surge protector for your home computer?
A) it makes things run better
B) computers run better with them
C) it guards against storms
D) it looks good
  • 11. What is an expansion card?
A) allow you to call people overseas
B) use it to rent movies
C) is a circuit boards that lets you add new features to your computer
D) the new Sonic Card
  • 12. What are the 4 types of expansion cards?
A) Mouse, phone line, byte and megabyte
B) video, modem, sound and networking
C) sonic, credit, greeting and social security
D) RAM, ROM, CPU and printer
  • 13. A video card generates what?
A) mail
B) images
C) sound
D) printed things
  • 14. A modem does what?
A) exchanges info through phone lines
B) helps with sound
C) moves memory to hard drive
D) turns on your computer
  • 15. Name two types of hardware devices?
A) table and desk
B) hard drive and software
C) printer scanner
D) screw driver and hammer
  • 16. What is hardware in a computer?
A) power supply
B) is any part you can see or touch
C) ACE hardware store
D) storage device
  • 17. What is software?
A) set of electronic instrustions that tell your computer what to do
B) CPU table
C) instructions on how to build your own computer
D) RAM folder
  • 18. Name a popular software system?
A) motherboard
B) Microsoft
C) Tony Hawk
D) google
  • 19. What is an operating system software?
A) serial port
B) power supply cable
C) controls overall sctivity of your computer
D) USB hook up
  • 20. Name 3 places you can get help with computers
A) your neighbor
B) the walmart
C) Call experts, documentation, classes
D) the library
  • 21. What is an input device?
A) clock on computer
B) loud speaker
C) device that lets you enter info into your computer
D) a boss
  • 22. Name at least two input device
A) keyboard mouse
B) fax machine, usb port
C) printer speaker
D) your mom and dad
  • 23. What does CPU stand for
A) central popping unit
B) Central Processing Unit
C) cell phone unit
D) call parents under
  • 24. What is the CPU used for
A) fix problems
B) to connect to internet
C) processes info, performs calculations and manages the flow of info through computer
D) find help with computer
  • 25. What is a storage device?
A) a storage building for your personal things
B) a laptop
C) a computer with info on file
D) a place where information is stored
  • 26. What two things effects the cost of a computer?
A) your school work
B) your friends
C) amount of memory and the warranty
D) which college you go to
  • 27. Should you have a warranty on your computer when you buy it?
A) I don't know
B) No
C) yes
D) maybe
  • 28. Why would you upgrade your computer?
A) someone hacked into it
B) to bring it current instead of buying a new one
C) lack of support for it
D) because you lost it
  • 29. Who would do your upgrade?
A) teacher
B) your brother
C) an experienced computer person
D) your preacher
  • 30. When is Christmas?
A) it was last week
B) September 5
C) December 25
D) tomorrow
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