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Hauen laguntzarekin: Pribyl
  • 1. Traits are characteristics that can only be passed from a (n) ____________ thing to its _____________
A) asexual, organs
B) single celled, nucleus
C) living, offspring
D) living, ancestors
  • 2. The process by which traits are passed from parents to offspring is called
A) meiosis
B) recessive genes
C) heredity
D) dominance
  • 3. For each trait, there are __________ allele possibilities
A) 4 gamete
B) 2
C) unlimited
D) 1
  • 4. Genetic make up of an organism
A) alleles
B) genotypic
C) genotype
D) phenotype
  • 5. The physical trait that is expressed in an individual
A) homozygous
B) genotype
C) phenotype
D) heterozygous
  • 6. The study of heredity
A) alleles
B) Punnett Square
C) genetics
D) traits
  • 7. When alleles of an organism are either both dominant or recessive, this is called
A) dominant
B) recessive
C) homozygous
D) heterozygous
  • 8. When one allele masks the presence of another allele, the 1st allele is said to be
A) heterozygous
B) dominant
C) recessive
D) homozygous
  • 9. When the alleles for a trait that are present in an organism are not the same
A) genetic
B) heterozygous
C) heredity
D) homozygous
  • 10. In cattle, black coat color is dominant over white. If a heterozygous black-coated cow is mated with a white-coated bull, how many different phenotypes with respect to coat color could be expected in the offspring?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 3
D) 1
  • 11. What is the the genetic makeup of a tall plant that is homozygous dominant.

    T = tall
    t = short
B) tt
C) Tt
  • 12. A mother has the ability to roll her tongue and a genetic makeup of Tt and a father does not have the ability to roll his tongue and is pure recessive, so his genetic makeup is tt. Predict the percent probability of having a child with a who can roll his/her tongue.
A) 75%
B) 100%
C) 25%
D) 50%
  • 13. The different forms of a gene for any given trait
A) alleles
B) genetic make up
C) heterozygous
D) homozygous
  • 14. It is proper to put the ____ allele on the top of the Punnett Square
A) maternal
B) paternal
  • 15. For an offspring to _____ a recessive trait, both parents must have at least one ______ allele in their genotype
A) control, recessive
B) express, recessive
C) dominate, dominant
  • 16. In this image, what are the genotypes of the male and of the female parents
A) Bb, Bb
B) Bb, bb
C) bb, Bb
D) bb, bb
  • 17. If A stands for astigmatism and a stands for normal vision, what are the phenotype ratios shown in this Punnett Square
A) 3 astigmatism : 1 normal vision
B) homozygous
C) heterozygous
D) 1:2:1 , AA: Aa: aa
  • 18. In this image, the genotype of the black parent is ______ and the genotype of the blue parent is
A) homozygous dominant, homozygous recessive
B) heterozygous, heterozygous
C) heterozygous, homozygous recessive
D) homozygous recessive, heterozygous
  • 19. In this image, the genotypes of the 4 offspring are
A) all are ff
B) FF and ff
C) all are Ff
D) FF, Ff, ff
  • 20. The name of the person who pioneered genetics in the 19th century
A) Isaac Newton
B) Reginald Punnett
C) Charles Darwin
D) Gregor Mendel
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