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English QUINTO
Hauen laguntzarekin: SALAZAR GOMEZ
  • 1. I am Mike. I am in the bedroom . I am drawing a picture. My brother is on the bed and he is jumping. My father is reading a book and mother is behind the house playing with my cat. I am very happy with my family.
    Where is Mike?
A) In the bathroom
B) In the kitchen
C) In the room
D) In the bedroom
  • 2. I am Mike. I am in the bedroom . I am drawing a picture. My brother is on the bed and he is jumping. My father is reading a book and mother is behind the house playing with my cat. I am very happy with my family. What is Mike doing?
A) Cooking
B) Drawing a picture
C) Riding a bike
D) Reading a book
  • 3. WI am Mike. I am in the bedroom . I am drawing a picture. My brother is on the bed and he is jumping. My father is reading a book and mother is behind the house playing with my cat. I am very happy with my family. What is the father doing?
A) ooking
B) Rading a book
C) Drawing a picture
D) Watching TV
  • 4. Choose the corresponding contraction: you are brothers
A) she's
B) We're
C) I'm
D) you're
  • 5. Choose the corresponding contraction: they are sister
A) I'm
B) We're
C) they're
D) you're
  • 6. Choose the corresponding contraction:
    I am tired
A) I am
B) she's
C) I'm
D) you're
  • 7. Complete sentences with the verb to be en presente
    I ______ a student
A) will
B) am
C) was
D) were
  • 8. Complete sentences with the verb to be en presente: you ________ in the hospital
A) is
B) was
C) were
D) are
  • 9. Complete sentences with the verb to be en futuro: we ______ goods doctors
A) was
B) are
C) were
D) will
  • 10. Complete sentences with the verb to be en futuro: they ______ in my house
A) are
B) will
C) were
D) was
  • 11. Complete sentences with the verb to be en pasado: she _______ in the scool
A) are
B) were
C) is
D) was
  • 12. Cuando decimos en ingles "Good morning" se esta expresando:
A) Buenas noches
B) Buenos dias
C) Hasta pronto
D) Buenas tardes
  • 13. Cuando decimos en ingles "Good night" se esta expresando:
A) Buenas noches
B) Hasta pronto
C) Buenos dias
D) Buenas tardes
  • 14. La frase: "El no es maestro" se expresa en ingles de la siguiente manera:
A) He is teacher
B) She is teacher
C) He is not teacher
D) We is not teacher
  • 15. La frase: "She no esta en su casa" se expresa en ingles de la siguiente manera:
A) She isn't at house
B) She is in the house
C) they are not at house
D) He is not at home
  • 16. La frase: "Carlos and Luis son hermanos" se expresa en ingles de la siguiente manera:
A) Carlos and Luis are brothers
B) Carlos and Luis are cousins
C) Carlos and Luis were brothers
D) Carlos and Luis were cousins
  • 17. La expresion que se usa para negar en ingles es:
A) are
B) is
C) was
D) not
  • 18. La contracción es:
A) La forma mas simple de armar las oraciones.
B) Una forma de simplificar algunas palabras en ingles.
C) Una regla obligatoria en el ingles.
D) Un signo de puntuacion.
  • 19. Pig, spider, sheep, cow, dog, son nombre en ingles de:
A) Frutas
B) Carnes
C) Animales
D) Comidas
  • 20. One, two, four, te, twenty, fifteen, son nombres en ingles de:
A) Numeros
B) Animales
C) Comidas
D) Carnes
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