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Week 12 Spelling Test
Hauen laguntzarekin: Chawke
  • 1. Choose the correct spelling
A) physician
B) physcian
C) phscian
D) physecian
  • 2. Choose the correct spelling
A) ridiculuos
B) ridiculous
C) redicilous
D) ridiclous
  • 3. Choose the correct spelling
A) simbol
B) symbol
C) symbel
D) smbol
  • 4. Choose the correct spelling
A) delicete
B) delicate
C) dilecate
D) delcate
  • 5. Choose the correct spelling
A) langage
B) languege
C) lenguage
D) language
  • 6. Choose the correct spelling
A) medicene
B) medicine
C) medcine
D) midecine
  • 7. Choose the correct spelling
A) marraige
B) mariage
C) merriage
D) marriage
  • 8. Choose the correct spelling
A) image
B) imagi
C) imege
D) emage
  • 9. Choose the correct spelling
A) advantage
B) adventage
C) advantige
D) edvantage
  • 10. Choose the correct spelling
A) relestic
B) realistic
C) realestic
D) relastic
  • 11. Choose the correct spelling
A) equepiment
B) epipment
C) eqipment
D) equipment
  • 12. Choose the correct spelling
A) ditermine
B) determine
C) ditermene
D) determene
  • 13. Choose the correct spelling
A) comitie
B) comitee
C) commitee
D) committee
  • 14. Choose the correct spelling
A) dilicous
B) delecious
C) delicious
D) dalicious
  • 15. Choose the correct spelling
A) develep
B) develop
C) devilop
D) develap
  • 16. Choose the correct spelling
A) effictive
B) effective
C) effefteve
D) efective
  • 17. Choose the correct spelling
A) eihibit
B) exbihit
C) exhibit
D) exhebit
  • 18. Choose the correct spelling
A) exat
B) exact
C) ixact
D) exect
  • 19. Choose the correct spelling
A) exist
B) exst
C) exiset
D) ixist
  • 20. Choose the correct spelling
A) effict
B) iffect
C) efect
D) effect
  • 21. Choose the correct spelling
A) temerarous
B) temerious
C) temerarious
D) temererious
  • 22. Choose the correct spelling
A) protactinum
B) protectinium
C) proctactinium
D) protactinium
  • 23. Choose the correct spelling
A) pedanitic
B) pedantic
C) pidantic
D) pedantec
  • 24. Choose the correct spelling
A) mecedoine
B) macedoine
C) maciedoine
D) macedione
  • 25. Choose the correct spelling
A) zerconium
B) zirconuim
C) zirconuim
D) zirconium
  • 26. Choose the correct spelling
A) proboblity
B) probability
C) probablity
D) prodability
  • 27. Choose the correct spelling
A) atmosophere
B) atomsphere
C) atmosphere
D) atimoshere
  • 28. Choose the correct spelling
A) technological
B) technolgical
C) technologcal
D) tecnological
  • 29. Choose the correct spelling
A) irrevocably
B) irrevocadly
C) irevocably
D) irrevecably
  • 30. Choose the correct spelling
A) italiczed
B) italcized
C) italicized
D) italicizied
  • 31. Choose the correct spelling
A) conprehend
B) comqrehend
C) comprehend
D) comprhend
  • 32. Choose the correct spelling
A) perisisent
B) persisfent
C) persistent
D) parsistent
  • 33. Choose the correct spelling
A) pertinacous
B) pertinazious
C) pertinacious
D) partinacious
  • 34. Choose the correct spelling
A) sycophent
B) sycophant
C) sycopant
D) syzophant
  • 35. Choose the correct spelling
A) repletion
B) repleteon
C) reqletion
D) replition
  • 36. Choose the correct spelling
A) conotations
B) commotations
C) connotetions
D) connotations
  • 37. Choose the correct spelling
A) stengy
B) stingy
C) stinegy
D) sfingy
  • 38. Choose the correct spelling
A) buliheaded
B) bullheaded
C) bulheaded
D) bullheeded
  • 39. Choose the correct spelling
A) cenvoke
B) conveke
C) conuoke
D) convoke
  • 40. Choose the correct spelling
A) complement
B) compliment
C) conpliment
D) complenent
  • 41. Choose the correct spelling
A) esseyist
B) ezsayist
C) essayest
D) essayist
  • 42. Choose the correct spelling
A) jeopardize
B) jeoqaedize
C) jeporadize
D) jeopardise
  • 43. Choose the correct spelling
A) anthologes
B) enthologies
C) anthologies
D) anthelogies
  • 44. Choose the correct spelling
A) veritiable
B) verifiable
C) verifable
D) verefiable
  • 45. Choose the correct spelling
A) clarifying
B) clerifying
C) clerfying
D) clarfying
  • 46. Choose the correct spelling
A) contadection
B) contrabection
C) contradicton
D) contradiction
  • 47. Choose the correct spelling
A) maledorus
B) maiodorus
C) malrdorus
D) malodorus
  • 48. Choose the correct spelling
A) irrevirsible
B) irreverisible
C) ireversible
D) irreversible
  • 49. Choose the correct spelling
A) nevelties
B) novelties
C) novilties
D) novelities
  • 50. Choose the correct spelling
A) nonbescript
B) nomdescript
C) nondescrept
D) nondescript
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